Support. If you wear a uniform your a target. The shooter may be in a T-shirt and shorts or an expensive suit. Even in countries with less guns, possible perps get taken down hard because they are an unknown. End of story. The military shoot first how can you expect police to do much less? The front line is everywhere
I'm curious, when there seems to be at least a couple police shooting in the news every month or so where they had questionable actions doesn't that lead you to believe that there's more than a couple bad eggs in the police force? And zeth, you are correct, the media will always want to swing a news story one way or another. They want people to stir the hornets nest and I'm going out on a limb and saying that the cases you bring up wouldn't do that.
No support. The law is broken The police have too many corrupt And America has too many people in jail.
If kaw has taught me anything, it is that this app is filled with angry white teens that like to call anyone murdered by the cops a thug. Yay USA.
Khajiit, no I don't question it. When you think of it, there's probably 100,000+ police interactions a month in the US, and only a few of those end in questionable shootings? The stats aren't too bad in my eyes. And to be honest, I'm not too upset about Alot of these people getting shot. Do they deserve the death penalty in the eyes of the law? No, but I'm glad there's one less oxygen thief in the world.
The average persons experience with police in this country is to be pulled over, treated like a criminal, and fined for a broken tail light. They don't even bother to come to your house when someone throws a brick through your windshield or steals your radio. I was once hit in the head with a flashlight when my drunk, scumbag brother broke through my door. The police officer threatened to charge me with assault because I had closed his foot in the door while I was trying to keep him out. Respect is earned. Police need to learn that.
Wordwaster, you are going to generalize the average persons experience with police based on your experiences? That's smart... I for have one a pretty long criminal record (most petty and traffic, no felonies) and I have never had a bad experience with an officer. Even when being arrested I'm courteous to the officers, and they return the favor.
Yeah. Because no one else has ever had these sorts of experiences. I never hear similar stories from anyone. It's just me.
It's weird how it's certain people that always have problems. It couldn't be how they act or anything. It's weird how me, back in my young criminal days never had any problems.
That's because back in your young criminal days you probably never was a criminal and you're just lying to us all so to make your point valid. Nice try, pony.
Right. It's my fault. Like that time I saw a cop tell a teen to go beat someone because he had stolen pills off him. That must have been my "attitude". Maybe the cop that threatened me with assault charges didnt like the attitude of the blood on my face.
There are far more than a few bad officers. But that doesn't call for a bash on all officers. Because there are a lot of good officers out there protecting you and doing their job. I respect them; the many that have to put up with ungrateful pricks while still doing their duty. It is sad, seeing these videos of police men and women doing awful things. But you don't fix the problem by making more problems.
I suppose it is fair to say that not all my experiences with police have been bad. Have had a few that were understanding, respectful and helpful. Some have been coldly professional. Too many just treat people like dirt.
I take my advice from Gabriel Iglesias. If you can make the cop laugh, you have a chance. So I got pulled over a few weeks ago for speeding. He asked for my License and Registration, so I gave him those. I also had something I've been wanting to try for a while in my wallet. I handed him two Monopoly 500 Dollar Bills with the License and Registration. The guy busted up. I got off with a warning, but then again I was only going eight miles over.
Yes, damn those 12 year old oxygen thief's out there, they deserve to be be shot for carrying a bb gun. Said no one ever, I suppose you think the officer would have been right to shoot him in that case though wouldn't you? ... ing-police Is the link for anyone wondering what I'm referring to