Pokemon universe

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TJ_Wolfsbane, Dec 22, 2010.

  1. Y would we

    Dvor didja sign up when u do meet me at town park k
  2. *pays $500 and. Runs to the park.*
    '' hi tj!'' you ready to lose?
  3. I guess so  our first battle remember play fair and Dvor judge so ppl can't always dodge or always hit u know
  4. *buys 6 pokeballs and 3 health potions for $200 then spends the rest on the attack boost things....*
  5. Arceus uses judgement !!
    Go dialga go palkia go girattina go darkri go shaymin go kyogre go groundon go raqauza go mew go mewtwo go motres go articuno go zapdos go lugia go oh-ho go raikui go succune go entei
  6. Pokemon are very boring now
  8. Lol I gave them on my game from cheats

    My fav is blastoise  gengar
  9. Lol andy justd just closed
  10. I pick gengar


    Shadow force
    Dark void
    Dream eater
    Poison fang
  11. I summon my geodude level 3 to use on tj!
  12. Go bellsprout! (as a part time troll I know ignore is extremely effective)
  13. You're not allowed gengar yet! you need to start with ghastly...
  14. No levels here
  15. Aww you're super effective... But still I use rock smash!!!
  16. I know my pokemon

    Andy it goes
    Geodude-> graveller-> golemn
  17. Bellsprout use sleeppowder!