Pokemon universe

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TJ_Wolfsbane, Dec 22, 2010.

  1. Heads to home to say bye to my mom
  2. Goes to poke mart and byes 10 pokeballs and 15 potions
  3. Gets a meal to eat and heals my pokemon at pokemon center
  4. Where are we off to now?
  5. Proffeser oaks gonna pick us up at 5:00 est
  6. We have reached pallet town!
  7. My magikarp kills you with a knife

    I have spoken
  8. [​IMG]
    dragonoid collosus destroys all pokemon
    but since hes bakugan i'll take a chimchar
  9. Go to pal for yer christmas present
  10. Beats up cynthia and takes her pokemon (yay I hacked and won the game)
  11. I'll take a turtwig if you don't mind
  12. I want a charizard!

    I get a charizard, uses fly and goes to pokemon league, beats everyone, become best trainer ever, I WIN!