Pokemon universe

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TJ_Wolfsbane, Dec 22, 2010.

  1. Poison sting!
  2. Let's do it again weedle
  3. You find one and make up a battle with them
  4. Use poison sting to counter
  5. Ekans use Glare to paralyze!
  6. No weedle u gotta move
  7. Poison sting bite!
  8. Weed is frosrn from the parlizy
  9. Poison sting bite!
  10. Weedle is paralyzed and I'm pretty sure is unable to learn bite
  11. I actually gotta go ttyl
  12. tj and gi both lose J3J3 wins
  13. We all know Ash's Charizard kills all, in the 3rd Movie, he fights an invicible, super powerful entei, And Ties
  14. Ash is a homo and jb can't win dvor
  15. Magikarp ftw!
  16. Come on, I'll act it out

    Invincible Undefeatable Entei Uses: Magical Move that's Supereffectice on Anything

    Ash's Charizard Uses: Flamethrower

  17. Those movies suck anyway
  18. Who wants to battle