Pokemon universe

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TJ_Wolfsbane, Dec 22, 2010.

  1. Zubat use leech life on delphin!!!
  2. Just ignore him dvo
  3. Uh del just stole from ya
  4. It is an invalid action
  5. Everyone post 'delphina the girl' on his wall
  6. Just ignore him until he's serious
  7. Go toliwag use water gun on del sorry couldent resist
  8. Ok um weedle use string shot to tie him up then use poison sting
  9. Fine Ekans use poison sting!
  10. Greaman and tj just battle me and I forgot his name will take care of del
  11. Ok Chris 1v1 me
  12. Gi then u forfeit...
  13. Oh then poison sting on ekans weedl
  14. Ekans dodge then tail whip to stun him!
  15. Fine tie him up with string shot then
  16. Poison sting on the webs now sting weedles tail!
  17. No not weedle
  18. Return Ekans u need a rest. Go bellsprout!