Pokemon universe

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TJ_Wolfsbane, Dec 22, 2010.

  1. Did he get hit with cans
  2. No poliwags hangin on zubats in ok shape
  3. Ok poliwag for all or nothing use hipnozes
  4. It doesn't work, zubat use bite!
  5. Plz poliwag try to doge it the use water gun from behind you can do it i no you cam
  6. I get darkrai you lose :D
  7. Poliwag trips and Zubat misses! Poliwag wins!
  8. Zubat hit the ground where Poliwag had just been it doesn't have eyes remember?
  9. Then Go pidgey!
  10. Poliwag retrun you did great you did great you need a good rest
  11. I just took on a bellsprut and a zubat Now I got to battle a pidegy
  12. Dvo give him a break
  13. Walk with me*walks toward pkmn center*
  14. Is pal still not working
  15. Yeah gi and I'm fighting u in tournament
  16. Ya pals down walks to pokemon center