PokeDex/Pokemon Quest Feedback

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Nlaz, Jul 5, 2010.

  1. Zaln you should have gone to Orlando anime day! It was freaking amazing!!!
  2. Oh, I was in a tennis tourny game. Got first in my age division, 13-15. It was kinda easy. Also, I am almost dome story boarding...

  3. Yes must read hungry...
  4. I wanna b in this zaln lol I wanna b in a story
  5. Kk we'll see.

  6. Congrats! I ordered a glaceon hat. And got lots of hugs. Twas fun. It was really hot though. Bad AC and a felt kigurumi do not mix.
  7.  5 stars awesome
  8. Can't find the story where is it 
  9. Lol thanks Rika!

  10. Awesome story! Pokemon rule! I think I'll write a review for it
  11. I love pokemon video games can I be the rival zaln I play a good rival..plz ^_^
  12. Wait no..I know I should be the guy like Wally
  13. He tags along behind the hero getting stronger so at elite 4 I'm a threat
  14. I know your not going to give me a big role...what u think
  15. Could I be in the story?
  16. Ummm ATM I'm kinda no doing this story, I am stuck at a point in the story...

  17. I can help what part u on