Sadness is a virtue. Why you may ask? Without it what is laughter? A noise that you make? Without it what is a smile? A twitch in your face? Without is what is happiness? A strange feeling you get inside? Sadness is a virtue. And now you know why! Applaud my poem that could have been written by a five year old!
As the face falls, the body doth follow, but it falls nowhere, where there is no ground for to lean on.
If sadness is a virtue, then where does happiness die? and where does hate bring birth, only as to accompany longing and wonder, but then there is love and knowledge, as to without them there is nothing. I shall never know as I have known, hate as I have hated, or long as I have longed before when I delve into the lybrinth of my own mind.
If there is no sadness, Is there no happiness as well?, If we have one emotion less, Would we be an empty shell? Little poem by me
it's still slowly reviving though,let's hope the thread doesn't push it too far and end up killing itself again