Poetry [MGTD]

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -LovelyDenial, May 17, 2015.

  1. Sometimes true artistry comes in the simplest of forms.
  2. Oot*
  3. My friend Lucifer gave me five horses today
    And a golden ring with a ruby on top.
    I could ride to the sands of the Sakarun bay,
    To the deepest of caves and the waterfall drop.

    Horses nickered and readied to burst into spring.
    I was laughing at their desire to race
    And the snickering light of my golden ring
    When I noticed pain in a twitch of a face.

    I was lost in the quiet of silvery voice.
    Bluish vein on his temple was meant to be bled.
    And I handed my ring to the saddest of boys
    For eternal turmoil in the turn of his head.

    He was laughing at me. He was getting his kicks
    As he opened gates to the darkness for me...
    My friend Lucifer gave me a horse number six.
    And Despair his name will from now on be.
  4. Ha, 69th post^
  5. Your rhyming was on point. I LOVED the slant rhyming between voice and boys.
  6. ^actually yeah, I really did like the voice-boys thing. That was really ingenious.
  7. Hmm... Little me was a bit sassy it seems...

    I Hate Poetry

  8. I don't quite understand the 3rd stanzas purpose? And it seems wordy. Try making similes into metaphors.
  9. That is mine from Gr. 7, relax. I just thought it'd be humorous.

    Edit: I hated poetry at the time and this was little me trying to be funny :lol: If memory serves correctly I got a C...
  10. The World Is Gone

    Wind whistling,
    Snow glistening,
    We try not to,
    But we're all listening.

    Loud screams,
    Bad dreams,
    It's very far,
    But close it seems.

    Sad day,
    Lost our way,
    All we can do,
    Is simply pray.

    Innocence gone,
    Life no longer long,
    We may not know,
    But we're all doing wrong.

    Joy lost,
    The Holocaust,
    We look to see,
    Hearts covered in frost.

    Wars fought,
    Sins taught,
    Making mistakes,
    Hoping not to be caught.

    Not taking blame,
    Pushing for fame,
    As advanced as we are,
    We're still all untamed.

    Too much pride,
    Needing a guide,
    We will deny it,
    But behind lies we hide.

    Hurting others,
    Betraying brother,
    Many forgetting,
    To appreciate mothers.

    Lies are fed,
    Filling heart and head,
    Through all of these years,
    Innocent blood has been shed.

    Children abandoned,
    Lonely and stranded,
    We're all wasting the life
    That we have been handed.

    Taking from the poor,
    We're loving no more,
    Fight to be free,
    End up starting a war.

    People starting fights,
    No longer enjoying the sights,
    While mere mortals are taking
    Our God given rights.

    Soldiers killed,
    Void can't be filled,
    Pay close attention,
    For pure souls have been tilled.

    Need to find peace,
    Work together like geese,
    But greatest of all,
    The hate needs to cease.

  11. Do my words make you stop, gasping for air?
    My love burning, not letting you breathe.
    My name becoming your curse, yours becoming my prayer.
    Heaven on surface and hell underneath.
    Wherever you go, like a chain it will follow.
    Nowhere to run. You belong to me.
    You don't want this. Why to wait till tomorrow?
    Say goodbye now and I will set you free.
    Not an end. A beginning of endlessness.
    Walk away into whatever is next.
    I will lay the last of my tenderness
    Under each one of your steps...
  12. Those are pretty erotic
  13. Roses are red
    Violets are fine
    You be the six
    And I'll be the nine
    It's a sign
    That we should intertwine
  14. Sincere to anyone
    Action for nice
    Talent is great
    Accepting ended
    Natural life

    ~ Stranger
  15. Can you feel, so far away?
    Can you hurt, like I am?
    This hole you've made, do you even know?
    Look at it, dripping the blood of our love.
    Look in your hands, holding the heart.
    But where have you gone? Its all dark.
    Why would you leave? I'm falling apart.
    You've taken my core, my one reason to be.
    Now you've gone, there's nothing to see.
    Why, oh why? How could you do this? To me?
    Come back, give back, that thing you hold.
    I'll never see either of you again, because one is the other, and you're both the same.

    Just a quick rambling thing to share.
    Sucks I know. Wasn't in a proper state of mind to make anything good.
  16. Poetry is bad and you should feel bad
  17. I drive luxury cars and spit fiery bars
    -fluffles 2k15
    Art. Beautiful. Innovative.
  18. Look at your feet, see those broken shards?
    Fix them, fit them all back together.
    Oh you can't? Why not? A piece missing? Where could it be?
    Oh there, I see, it lays in your heart, from me.
    Take them all? Sure, why not? I won't need them to be.
    I stopped feeling them there when you chose life over me.
    Don't cry, why should you? It should be me, can't you see?
    Your choice, your words, brought this about.
    Your actions, your heart, lay this knife at my throat.
    Draw it slowly, painting red, black out.
    The end, of me. Will you feel it? We'll see.

    This will hopefully be the last of my terrible writing to grace forums.
  19. One mischievous little woodpecker
    Another day, pecking your holes
    Ruining the woods, tree wrecker
    The angry old forest god turned your poor beak into a poison knife
    Poor little wood pecker
    Your nesting holes are all tainted, your food with toxins rife
    Touch your friends, and they all will die falling at your feet
    Oh, sad little woodpecker
    Poisonous tears, shining brightly, as they stream down your cheeks