Poetry [MGTD]

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -LovelyDenial, May 17, 2015.

  1. Thanks. I think it's mine too. It's a little hard, but it's true. I think that's the best thing. You can blame me if it helps.
  2. I wish it would all be simpler.. never gonna happen, huh?
  3. It hasn't got simpler yet.

    Things are looking up though.
  4. one more and I am gonna be quiet lol

    I like it that your love is not for me.
    I like it that I care for another,
    That when by accident I touch your knee
    I don't blush and you don't bother..
    I like that I can be myself... eat chips..
    Without stress, without complications...
    That when I kiss another on his lips
    I don't fail your love or expectations...
    I'm grateful for not ever dating you,
    For talks without heat of lovers' rush...
    Oh no, I am not in love with you.
    But I might have a silly little crush...
  5. I love you just the way you are,
    But you don't see you like I do.
    You shouldn't try so hard to be perfect,
    Trust me, perfect should try to be you.
  6. Narwhal, oh narwhal
    Where art thou?
    Do you swim
    Amongst the slum?
    Do you paddle
    With the turtle?
    Are you there?
    Oh narwhal, Narwhal,
    swimming About,
    not a care and
    Not a doubt
    Narwhal, oh narwhal
    Where art thou?
  7. Bump for shredding the nar(whal)
  8. #gnargnar #onlychamberwillgetit
  9. Ɛ> It's beautiful
  10. #SaveTheNarwhalsForever
  11. There was once a Nick in a hat
    Who always knew all about that.

    One casual night, he crawled into a clan,
    But to his surprise, was welcomed by a Noodly man.

    But to his dismay,
    One fateful early day
    He took it too far, and such,

    He was kicked out of this clan, and he hated this very much.

    And so he set out on his journey.
    His facial hair grew furry.
    He made it into an HTE clan, without a single worry.

    But he was very lonely.
    He didn't have many friends.

    He tried to hit the epic battles,
    But they would always quickly end.

    The event started, and he was sad, as Noodehl would say.

    He blindly hit the epic battles, and that's where he remains to this day.

    Seriously, I'm sorry. Let me back in :(
  12. Alright. Come back, silly
  13. Sitting there
    In my chair
    Thinking of the things
    We share

    There was you and me
    Down by the sea
    Counting our kids
    One, two, three

    We'd two wee girls
    And one wee boy
    Oh how our life's
    Were full of joy

    By: me
  14. A few grammar errors, and the rhyming feels a bit forced. I like the "wee" before girls and boy. It's cute :3
  15. Just discovered this thread; first of its kind in any game in my experience. I'm unprepared, so here's the name of a good TS Elliot poem, if I remember it correctly:
    Do not go gently into that good night.
    Or something like that. It's pensive yet rousing; ideal for the savage poets on here perhaps.
    His poem The Hollow Men was memorably read during a rather underrated performance by Marlon Brando in Apocalypse Now. He played asSergeant that had gone AWOL and created his own Dark Kingdom.
    Oh yes.
  16. Yes, I know, I am a stranger.
    And I come from a different land.
    And I love the howls of danger,
    Not the sounds of marching band.
    I was born into gypsy wagons
    And my songs are of smoke and thorns.
    I am singing them to the dragons,
    To the demons and unicorns.
    And I love like a thirsty vagrant
    Drinking in to the very dregs..
    Not damsel, fragile and fragrant,
    Who just quietly waits or begs.
    When I die, do u think I'd bother
    That I missed the eternal bliss?
    Thief and killer will be my brothers
    And a tramp will give me a kiss.
  17. I had another word for tramp.. ... it didn't let me post it 
  18. Striped and spotted sparrow-birds
    stutter and agitate along the ground
    A few leaves crunch damply underfoot
    most remain verdant above
    They sway easily in the chill;
    the cold becomes thrilling
    my body hums with warmth and life
    as the sunlight caresses me gently,
    my eyes close naturally
    The dawn of isolation comes with the ease and grace
    my body cannot achieve
    But my feet do not trouble me yet

    My own poem.
  19. Lili Pain's lines
    So vivid and so fine
    Conjured a world to escape to
    To fight then peel a grape to
    I scour the wishing wells
    To transport me from my hell
    But now I'm reading and Im learning
    How to cope with inner yearning.
  20. The streetlight glints on the
    icy snow.
    The snowstorm was fierce, as predicted
    stomping through it now hurts my feet
    booted as they are.
    My arms sting in the cold,
    blood still thickening on my skin...
    my breath billows before me
    as a dragon's breath would
    my hair tickles my neck
    as the wind brushes slowly across my cheek.
    The trees are large and imposing
    dark and beautiful and solitary in their community
    though they cast no shadow--
    they care not for the
    sanctity of the silence
    or the purity of the
    icy snow.
    They cast down clinking pieces,
    parts of their flesh scattered on the ground
    dead leaves and branches that no animal dare lay footprint upon.
    Loneliness befits the barren landscape.

    Another of my own poems.