Poetry [MGTD]

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -LovelyDenial, May 17, 2015.

  1. The following I didn't write myself but when I first read the text it really did touch me.

    To friend,

    This years, live alone,
    Go ahead through the storm
    Once cried once made mistakes
    Sometimes we feel lonely
    Sometimes we dwell in memories
    But also have a dream
    To have you always in my heart
  2. Dope poem
  3. One fish two fish
    Red fish blue fish
  4. Another poem I quite liked was A Rainy Morning, by Ted Kooser.

    A young woman in a wheelchair,
    wearing a black nylon poncho spattered with rain,
    is pushing herself through the morning.
    You have seen how pianists
    sometimes bend forward to strike the keys,
    then lift their hands, draw back to rest,
    then lean again to strike just as the chord fades.
    Such is the way this woman
    strikes at the wheels, then lifts her long white fingers,
    letting them float, then bends again to strike
    just as the chair slows, as if into a silence.
    So expertly she plays the chords
    of this difficult music she has mastered,
    her wet face beautiful in its concentration,
    while the wind turns the pages of rain.

    And, I will also add another personal poem. Its in the form of a sonnet, and was again, written for class earlier this semester.


    You just sit and stare all day and all night,
    You keep upon your bed and cry to sleep.
    It is cause all you do with him is fight
    And sanity is all you want to keep.

    You fight of kids and debt and of disease.
    You think you just want to be happy, but
    You just want him to get down on his knees.
    You wait for “I’m sorry.” but your heart gets cut.

    So you sit and cry to yourself alone.
    You’re there all day and night, thinking of him.
    You’re trying to not call him on the phone.
    But its not as easy, you’re getting grim.

    You love him, you just can not deny it.
    So you drink some vodka, your heartbreak kit.
  5. I wake up at night my finger stinks
    What is this smell? What is this texture?
    I sit, ponder, think and think

    Will I get silenced for speaking my mind
    The smell unbearable, omg
    Hands waiving like I'm def n sign

    Face smudged like golemn,
    The color of his skin is on my finger
    The smell, the smell it really lingers

    Why haven't I washed my hands?
    As I sniff and sniff.
    Ah the benefits of being married.
  6. 
  7. I would post some john cooper Clarke but last time I did that I got silenced :) And they disbanded one of my clans due to having a poem of his on cp :p
  8. Yea, I wanted to post a poem by Adrienne Rich, but some of the words were censored due to their sexual being.
  9. Today is the shadow of tomorrow
    Today is the present future of yesterday
    Yesterday is the shadow of today
    The darkness of the past is yesterday

    And the light of the past is yesterday
    The days of yesterday are all numbered in sum
    In the world once
    Because once upon a time there was a yesterday

    Yesterday belongs to the dead
    Because the dead belongs to the past
    The past is yesterday
    Today is the preview of tomorrow but for me

    Only for my better and happier point of view
    My point of view is the thought of a better or try
    Reality is today of eternity
    The eternity of yesterday is dead

    Yesterday is as one
    The eternity of one is the eternity of the past
    The past is once upon a time
    Once upon a time is past

    The past is yesterday today
    The past is yesterday today
    While we're searchin' for tomorrow

    The light of the past is the light which was
    The wisdom of the past is the light of the past
    The light of the future is the light which is to be
    The wisdom of the future is the light of the future see

    Yesterday belongs to the dead
    Tomorrow belongs to the living
    The past is certified as a finished product
    Anything which has ended is finished

    That which is perfect is finished
    The perfect man is no exception to the rule
    The perfect man of the past is made according to the rule of the past
    The rule of the past is a law of injustice and hypocrisy
    The revelation of the meaning of the law is revealed through the law itself

    The wisdom of the past is the light of the past
    The light which is to be the wisdom of the future
    The light of the future casts the shadows of tomorrow

    Sun Ra
  10. That's just gross. Couldn't he come somewhere else?
  11. Jack and Jill went up the hill
    To go and have some fun.
    Jill forgot to take the pill.
    So now they have a son.

    A classic IMO
  12. I never saw a purple cow
    I never hope to see one
    Still I'd rather see than be one

    Boom!!!! What do I win?
  13. (To op) If you are gonna rate a poem can you just say the name like
    @crankydragon @frog or (at frog) (at crankydragon) so that you wouldn't need to scroll that much because it is pretty annoying to device users :) thank you
  14. My apologies, hun. ;)
  15. Considering the post was right above yours, that wasn't really necessary.

    Excessive abuse of the quote button is considered spammy. Don't spam your own thread.
  16. Tip from ^: wait for five or more poems before you reply so as to reduce spamming too :)
  17. Op needs to wait 5 poems before replying to her own thread? I think not. Thats not a rule.

    Please show me that rule before you try that on me. It's not a rule either.
    Spam = "Spam
    Creating duplicate threads, posting nonsensical messages, excessive bumping, or otherwise flooding the forums is seen as spam and is prohibited."

    I am not making multiple threads. I am not posting nonsensical messages. I am not excessively bumping, nor am I flooding forums. Do not play Mr. Mod with me because I know the rules as well as you do.
  18. No you do not, and it's apparent.

    If you'd actually read posts instead of post count farming them you'd know that. But please feel free to email support. I believe you have their email saved. ;)
  19. I'd be posting the same amount of posts with or without quoting, it is not post farming, so how about you cut the crap. Idk what your problem is, but either contribute to the thread or leave before I do email support.
  20. Hey look. Found another poem to get back on track.

    The Road

    I live outside my mother’s sky
    With a world of trouble on the road.

    I knew little of the what or how,
    So I knew I bruised my father’s moment.

    He heard how I was passing on
    The road to where we died.

    So he carried me a little girl
    That began to own my tears.

    The past of my battle was my own.
    This was how everything else began.

    A little longer moonlit sky,
    And a road stretched out through time.

    For this assignment, we were given a word box, and forced to use only those words in our poem. We could make the poem about anything, so long as we focused on the words we used and the impact they made. Yes, I know some parts a bit confusing, but that's because my word choice was limited. :lol: :lol: