Love me Hate me should I care Like me Dislike me But please be fair Love or like me for who I am Don't hate or dislike for who I'm not Now it's time to say goodbye So I must say, *Sigh* -Val
Jacko is a good friend who's always there He is kind and forever always fair Jacko gives cookies So I call him the cookie man I wish I could say how much I appreciate him So here I say it with a poem A poem that does not rhyme But has great meaning in every word And here jacko here's for you Thank you
Yankee Yankee Yankee is another story He's unique and fun Hes the definition of an underdog to a super-dog He's always there to talk to me When everyone is away he's there to say "hi" From aaoo to segfault he's been a great friend And who knows maybe till the very end -Val
Sev Sev is his own person He hates when I sevvy Oh does he think I'm CRAZY We bicker and fight But in the end he's not so bad As long as you don't make him mad >