Poem for d_bo

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by iNTeR_Candidus_MaSS, Mar 6, 2012.

  1. let me refresh it; read the poem you made on this thread. Derp.
  2. Read my other post?
  3. which? the one where Dbo says your poem was stupid? the reason you made this?
  4. The reason I made this was because he hated on my friend's poem...

    ........................ Um.
  5. Besides, I don't hate anyone o_O I just said we were proud writers and that we weren't servants. Since when was that trashing someone?
  6. right. you arguing is getting no where, as a matter of fact; do you even know what you're arguing about? It's like the same reason as making this thread.

    once again,
    I don't understand human nature.
  7. I don't either. Then again, I don't understand a lot of things. Such as the term "then again", because what idiot coined it?!

    ... I failed again :D