Poem for d_bo

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by iNTeR_Candidus_MaSS, Mar 6, 2012.

  1. D_Bo is just mad cuz u made a thread about him and his criticness (ik criticness isn't a proper word)
  2. I love this thread xD
  3. I haz a random poem. I do not take credit for it, found on the Web.

    Haikus are easy.
    Sometimes they don't make much sense.
  4. Lol. I've heard that one.

    Roses are red
    My name is Dave
    This poem makes no sense
  5. [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]
    [​IMG]Awesomest thread EVER[​IMG]
  6. ... I like dbo
  7. @Marodo then you are the gayest lolz ever
  8. @Marado then your crazy!
  9. D_bo
    No one cares
    So GTFO
    And make me a sammich.
  10. Haiku anyone?

    Three point one
    Five nine two six.

    Yes I did...
    Three point one- Three syllables
    four- One syllable
    Five nine two six- Four syllables.
  11. Roses are stfu
    Violets are stfu
    Lol i dont rhyme xD
  12. No not rlly, d bo tells the harsh truth... No one in kaw does that let alone in rl life. He doesnt care who hates him
  13. I really don't care who hates me. there isn't enough truth in this world.

    and if people here literally HATE me over my comments on a forum, then you really are retarded and an over sensitive emo.

    but please. keep making more threads about me

    <3 you
  14. ^not necessarily retarded, but yeah, over sensitive.
  15. here's one:

    Lunar eclipse,
    you can't rhyme for ****
    If you're going to take shots
    atleast add suspense
    you need to back to the drawing board
    and start again.
    Dbo loves to talk ****,
    get over it.
  16. Terror: That's the point. I can't rhyme. That's why I write poetry. Duh. (Makes no sense, doesn't it? Glad you noticed. It's called free verse, genius.)
  17. Sigh.

    I don't get human nature.

    You get upset because dbo says your poem is stupid so you make a poem that doesn't rhyme to diss him. You say yourself you can't rhyme but you get mad when dbo says the same thing. (/).-)
  18. I got mad when d_bo told me I couldn't rhyme? o_O I must have a really bad memory...
  19. This wasn't a retaliation thread. D_bo has only posted on this poem and my other one. The only thing I wrote before this was a story. He never posted on it. So go check again...