D_Bo is just mad cuz u made a thread about him and his criticness (ik criticness isn't a proper word)
I haz a random poem. I do not take credit for it, found on the Web. Haikus are easy. Sometimes they don't make much sense. Refridgerator.
Haiku anyone? Pi-ku. Three point one Four Five nine two six. Yes I did... Three point one- Three syllables four- One syllable Five nine two six- Four syllables.
No not rlly, d bo tells the harsh truth... No one in kaw does that let alone in rl life. He doesnt care who hates him
I really don't care who hates me. there isn't enough truth in this world. and if people here literally HATE me over my comments on a forum, then you really are retarded and an over sensitive emo. but please. keep making more threads about me <3 you
here's one: Lunar eclipse, you can't rhyme for **** If you're going to take shots atleast add suspense you need to back to the drawing board and start again. Dbo loves to talk ****, get over it.
Terror: That's the point. I can't rhyme. That's why I write poetry. Duh. (Makes no sense, doesn't it? Glad you noticed. It's called free verse, genius.)
Sigh. I don't get human nature. You get upset because dbo says your poem is stupid so you make a poem that doesn't rhyme to diss him. You say yourself you can't rhyme but you get mad when dbo says the same thing. (/).-)
This wasn't a retaliation thread. D_bo has only posted on this poem and my other one. The only thing I wrote before this was a story. He never posted on it. So go check again...