Plunder dynamic, BFA, and BFE - an outrage

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Khaymens, Jun 16, 2013.

  1. Support to what giskard said too. The suddenly turn the game 180° with 2 rows of explanation. If that was their fix for the GH EXPLOIT, it's an Epic FaiL. LMAO
  2. K sorry your speaking addition to BTA stats I thought you meant contribution to raw state
  3. I like the TS (True Strength) description. It's simple and it contemplates all the important elements of the complete build.

    Astounding that devs can't seem to get their head around it. *sigh*
  4. Did anyone else notice how he divided by 500(.2%) on BFA instead of 50(2%).
  5. GH pay poor but earn a lot - concentrate on evening plunder made vs plunder paid on GH instead of changing everyone else.....
  6. Some of you may blame this next part on me having a significantly high bfe. Anyways no support.
  7. Support Khaymens - a lucid and well articulated post. It's a compelling argument...The question remains..will the Devs raise their heads above the parapet to listen and address?
  8. @ Pipster

    No :D
  9. They'll ignore it until they start getting 1 star reviews and they're revenue starts dropping. Then they'll flop in another knee jerk, half arsed change.

    Rinse, repeat.
  10. Jac

    It always amazes me how hard math is for people when there's a calculator right on whatever device it is you are using, and then feel the need to comment on it 

    3,000,000 that's 3mill divided by 50 or multiplied by 2% (they are the same) = 60,000 or 60k

    500,000 or 500k divided by 50 or multiplied by 2% (they are the same) = 1,000 or 1k

    Now try again, just because the numbers of BFA seem so small compared to BFE doesn't mean it's bad math!

    It doesn't surprise anyone that ignorance would give no support to something flawed that needs correcting but benefits them ' )
  11. ^Says the idiot that thinks 2% of 500k is 1k.
  12. Hush jam. The adults are talking.
  13. Ouch. That was real offensive.

    @you comment on the top of the page.

    If you think a couple people rating them 1 star is going to change much, you might want to think again. How many times have people decided they were going to boycott and demote KaW? A lot, probably 100s if not 1000s of times. How much times did they give in? You can count it on your hands.
  14. Jam your right lmao 

    My bad 
  15. My original post was so long so I didn't add it, but a very easy way to fix both the guild hansel pay as well as the plunder dynamic is:

    1. Make every land explored regardless of what building is on it worth a static dollar amount - lets say 500k

    2. Make the strength of a kingdom worth a certain amount when defeated - lets say each 1mill cs = 1mill (this includes BFA and BFE)

    3. Defensive items used - this can remain the same

    This would effectively make any kingdom that is beat by any player give a certain amount of plunder. Obviously beating a LB player nets you a ton more than beating a HLBC player but with no allies.

    It wouldn't matter what kingdoms strength is that beat them, only that they were beat!

    A HLBC guild would pay less than a HLBC attack build because of building stats, but the lands defeated and the BFA, BFE factored in would correct the current way devs have game set up, and do it in a way that is easy to understand for everyone.
  16. The problem with adding plunder per land is that a defender too weak and opponent too strong system still exists outside of EE.

    PS BC GH with no upgraded castles will be paying starter players 25m, right?

    And how would bonus from allies(plunder) be effected? If each land is worth a minimal 500k then,
    Say there are 4 players. A, B, C, and D.
    Player A is a BC GH.
    Player B is a BC T5.
    Player C is a 6m cs attack build.
    Player D is a 500k cs attack build.
    All players attack player A.

    As it is now, players B and C are getting terrible plunder from player A. Player D is getting optimal plunder. But Player D will not be earning THAT much because his size restricts him from pulling in a lot of plunder. He's probably getting 15m or so while B and C are getting 1-2m.

    The way you want to change it, will all players be earning the same gold(25m)?

    This would change a lot and I can never see it happening. EVER.