Plunder Difference Ps1/Hansel Vs Tanks/Hitters

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by CrumbledWarrior, Mar 29, 2015.

  1. Since when did tanks do better than Hansels on MITH in EE? It's always been spies who have earned more Mith
  2. I think you just didn't read what I said correctly. I never said a Hansel doesn't need sdt, I just said we don't need 11m sdt like most tanks do
  3. With the same mith cast (19 mith) a tank who absorbed hits and wins earned 25 more mith than I. And I had 98 successful actions.
  4. Tanks tend to use their spies to scout. Scout actions don't earn mith. Mith is payable based upon Attack Assas and steal actions. As a hansel you do all those actions right? So work it out for yourself unless you were scouting lol
  5. Actually scouts earn more than assn if i remember correctly assn dont pay any, if im thinking of the right thread. But the action itself goes towards your war contribution
  6. Hansel makes more plunder in eb fewer towers
    Tank makes more plunder in war and more mith than what a ps/hansel can make in 3-5 wars
    Tanks are built to make mith and defend hits
    Hansel/ps make plunder in Ebs
    Giving tanks more plunder would only make tanks the dominant build just like SH were back then. In wars what you see 2-3 tanks in primal round almost all tanks few sh
    Indi almost all tanks 2 or so ps a clan
    Now which seems overrated again???
  7. So i only saw the first 4-5 comments and didnt read through any of the others, so this mightve already been addressed: The ps1 build does exist and anyone who says otherwise is a noob.
  8. You should of read the rest of the thread then.
  9. Fail. PS1 exists in your mom's basement.
  10. Assas is the action that doesnt contribute to earning mith. As a big spy, thats 95% of my actions 90% of the time. I make an average of 8 mith profit every time I win.
  11. This would be correct, even devs stated assassinations earn no mith