Plunder change is needed

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -Atropos-, Apr 4, 2015.

  1. Full support!! :D :D
  2. please enlighten us with your wisdom . how does this mean you couldent make less than 10 mil a hit...
  3. Better rewards are definitely needed...maybe a great paying series of ebs that only people with a "warriors badge" can participate in? People by the hundreds would EE all day and night to get nessecary points required for that..and maybe that seriies drops new pots/equip that can be enchanted with mith? EE would be back and most of kaw would participate for a chance at a free eb that pays say like a 5x haunt maybe?? just saying...DOTB
  4. Thats a novel idea
  5. I was thinking along those lines as well. For example be able to run a hte style FOD
  6. yeah something like that..and so many flaws would be worked out by a vast influx of entire new clans/ strats etc..more than a couple styles of builds..EE clans could run these exclusive ebs and would be the death of our favorite hte clans lol
  7. Pfft wars need a whole new makover. Rewards would be nice
  8. I agree, we should all stop warring if Devs can't make these small changes. Stop warring 
  9. This guy gets it

  10. Already have, stopped spending too, and playing my alts.

    This games going down the toilet.
  11. I agree my plunder should be 3x as much as it is now.
  12. Atropos - you saying for ee or in general ? If in general no support but if for ee support. This was raised during first summer wars and nothing was done lol in general no support as leads to exploitation of stealing alts with no pots using automations to generate gold while we need gold sinks atm
  13. Chaos is partial right payout isn't the only problem but the diminishing turn out has being predicted for seasons - polishing a turd continues to happen.

    Season 1 less wars and non transportability of ee and greater rewards - big turn out more had to war to keep ee.

    After season one Community complains about transportability of ee it's given ( over inflation of market easy mercing and stacking occurs). Community gets smart and use tower builds gh sh etc as devs fail to understand the game. That you should be able to get the same things from ebs etc

    Try making divisions to guarantee match ups but less wars to ensure participation to maintain ee try taking transportability of it away (take some gold out of this game it's needed) and make rewards novel things like spyglasses, equipment that doesn't take up a slot like pro packs or any other idea.

    But to fix this a match up system that is fair needs to be established first - divisions

    Payout needs to be addressed - pot base and size etc mechs needs to be addressed

    Then participation - great matchups with incentives to war to relaunch the ee season - give spyglasses, reset equipment, propacks or other incentives away maybe the winners get to choose from five things.

    I'm a broken record but blind Freddie saw this during season one and we have stated this would occur but devs can't keep up.
  14. Support
  15. Support ^_^