Plunder change is needed

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -Atropos-, Apr 4, 2015.

  1. The mechanic of pots counting toward plunder needs to change. It was needed when first implemented but is no longer needed. All exploits that used are all based on pots. Sh removed pots thus paying little, now ps1 removes pots. By removing pots from plunder pay out levels the playing field. Build should be only factor when calculating plunder payout. Please consider.
  2. I like this idea, gives people more encouragement to pvp
  3. This is part of the PvP Meta, and while I understand it is frustrating, it's an essential part of PvP and EE.

    I would like to see a more balanced plunder mechanic myself.
  4. Support!! 100% agree.
  5. What about smalls that need to grow and need a little boost?
  6. Pay rate doesnt change, just wont lower when less defense pots are used
  7. Support!
  8. Huehuehue. No support >->
  9. Sounds great๎€Ž๎€Ž

  10. Support your plunder should be based on cs not what type of build or pots used.
  11. Thats selfish n hardly in the best interest of EE war clans overall.

    Before u see my support n claim likewise i have a variety of large builds at my disposal to use as requested by a war organizer. Special interest groups have no part in whats realistic n needed.
  12. The other option is create another war format if Primal War stays status quo to balance out EE war.
  13. SUPPORT!
  14. I'm just joking. I do like this idea. I supports
  15. Haha, I'm not laughing.

    Support OP
  16. Primals have been ruined because of this, I support 100%๎€Ž
  17. I say get rid of pots entirely. Lol
  18. blocked for future purpose. huehuehuehue