Plunder Cap Stats

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Rajang, Oct 13, 2009.

  1. Double bump 
  2. Which buildings are T1 T2 T3? I guess I don't understand the abbreviations
  3. T1 = tier 1 or any building that is 25k to start T2 = tier 2 or any building that is 1.75 mil to build. T3 = tier 3 or any buildi that costs 130 mil to build
  4. Tier 1: Barrack, workshop, Stable
    Tier 2: Forges, Bestiary, Cathedral
    Tier 3: Factory, Aviary, Summoning circle.
  5. Thanks for the clarification.

    Next ques...if I attack is the max plunder based on the totals from the T buildings or is it the T and Guild totals? Same idea applies for spy attacks. Is the max plunder based on the guild totals only or both guild and T buildings?
  6. For normal attacks, plunder caps from both types of buildings count. For steals, you get no plunder bonus, just regular plunder.
  7. Thanks.

    Does using attack potions increase your plunder too or only the attack strength (chances of winning)?
  8. Pots can never increase plunder bonus. Ally plunder bonus is capped at a maximum determined by your buildings. What portion of that max that you actually get is determined by how much $ you own in allies (more $ in allies = more ally plunder bonus) and a power comparison of you vs defender (the stronger he is relative to you, the more ally plunder you're going to get, up to the max determined by your buildings).

    Pots play no role in the determination of plunder bonus, and are not included in that power comparison of you vs defender (only buildings and ally stat bonuses are). So pots are totally outside of the equation.
  9. After a long expensive experment it is found that the only thing that pots affect are your chances if winning a battle.

    They have no effect on allie plunder. They do not decrease it or increase the cap. On the otherhand I cannot say if it affects plunder from your build.
  10. First a very special thank you to Phallen for allowing me to do this experment.

    Under these stipulations:
    • Attackers kept a base build of:
      • 20 lvl4 Guilds
      • 1 lvl3 Forge
    • Defender's build kept constant
    • Attackers total value of allies kept constant

    With the open three lands attacker changed bulidings to various things such as towers, guilds, and t1, t2, and,t3 bulildings at different levels. Upon each attack Attacker noted allie plunder recieved with the change in stats. When ploted it follows a linear triend:

    Red dots are the data points taken

    All stats were added: Strangth, Defence, Spy Attack, Spy Defence, allie bounus, and the bannor of choise. (I own no propack so no % bounus) Also the sum has no adjustment from Troop stats and Spy stats (Phallen's genius idea).

    I hope this can help anyone.
  11. I am shocked at the idea of there being a linear relationship between stat bonus and plunder bonus. The L4 guild gives lower stats than L3 T3 does, but gives more ally plunder cap. That blows it right there, doesn't it?
  12. Hav0c, based on the graph than we should be getting allies with higher stats...along with allies of higher value to maximize the max plunder from buildings. so there's 2 factors to maximize actual plunder in battle. So people with junk allies with high value would be better if those allies have higher stats terms of plunder reasons.
  13. I am absolutely certain that vollied allies with high price and no stats are better for your plunder bonus than allies with the same price but higher stats. No doubt.
  14. Yes the graph suggests that alley plunder drops  proportional to stats. The ratio is Plunder/Stats. Meaning the more stats you factor in, the more it will drop. With this in mind allies with zero stats are the best for raising plunder, but when an allie has 2000, 2000, 150, 150 stats with a value of 1M for example, they aren't going to make a noticable impact in lowering alley plunder during an upgrade.

    Regarding plunder, not alley plunder, I fixed my build and the amount invested in allies while allowing the defenders strangth to vary. Varibles plotted were:
    • Attacker Stats / Defender stats
    • Plunder recieved / Troops on hand
    The curve followed a linear line with a negative constant of proportionality. This suggests that the ratio should be as small as possible and have as many troops as possible to raise plunder (I'll post graph at later time). This also sugested that there is a theriotical cap on plunder. For example, letting attacker stats / defender stats = 0. 

    In regards to alley plunder, it was found as long as you're not at max plunder or the so called, "plunder floor", the ratio between allie plunder and amount invested in allies stays constant, so long as the ratio of attack stats and defender stats stay constant.
  15. About the upgrade-plunder drop ratio "plunder / stats", lookout towers and defence towers add stats so it will drop your alley plunder. To adjust for this drop you'll have to invest in more zero stat allies. Things to take note about towers:
    • They don't raise alley plunder cap.
    • Forces you to invest more cash into allies to offset the drop on alley plunder.
  16. Towers suck if you aren't being hit all day everyday.
  17. In my opinion towers should be build only during wars. They are highly ineffective during peace time.
  18. Bump for fegaro
  19. poooooop