Just confront her about it, tell her what you saw and what you are thinking. Explain how you feel that she can't tell him to stop flirting. Obviously she likes the attention she is getting from him. If she is going to entertain him while she is with you then she ain't really with you.
Totally excellent advice. Also may wish to ask yourself how important she is to you. You may wish to tell her you feel hurt and that if she values your relationship she'll need to change the way she relates to you. I read some place "I'm not mad because you lied to me. I'm mad because I can never fully trust the person I love."
She wouldnt have deleted the conversation if she had nothing to hide. Dump her. You are young and will understand why people like her arent worth your time one day.
If your relationship is true, then why wouldn't she show you the phone? My wife and I of many many years have no problem showing the other our phone, our Facebook or any of our emails. Nothing to hide. Furthermore, anytime someone has come on to me or her we have brought it to each others attention. Heck I once put a girl on speaker phone cause I was shocked at her forthright aggressive behaivior....again nothing to hide. You need to confront your girl and it is what it is. Love or not, trust is the foundation you should build on. Just start by stating your feelings, then ask her what it was she deleted....if she gives BS, then your relationship is BS. If she is sincere, then she will be sincere with you.
You are not overreacting. You are underreacting. ...whole dorm is pulling a train on her (weekly meetings) iPhone
Your better dude than i am. An ex i had deleted a text a dude sent her in the passanger seat while i was driving one time. Her phone buzzed, i saw some dudes name pop up, she turned phone away from me and quickly deleted text. I put her ass on foot patrol right there and never spoke to her again
College tip #15 don't start dating anyone freshman year, you'll regret it. Your 18-20 don't get so hung up on relationships yet, there's still too much you don't know about yourself.