Re: Raven's Revenge Recruiting Damocle welcome anytime.. Nice history lesson and folklore on RAVENS... Zethor please refrain from being an obnoxious child... Or trolling for trouble... And if you have issues feel free to leave a newsfeed for me...Thank you.. This has been a Ravens public service announcement now back to regular viewing pleasure.
Re: Raven's Revenge Recruiting I had to leave cause of rule 1. Just thought I would let you all know. I was gonna also test rule 6 but then id have to leave and answer to rspca for all the dead birds.Some ppl are good in this clan others are scared of Apherium or Jorathe. Thats why stick to hitting pigs squids,cave trolls and rocks and u will be fine. Number 4 and Number 5 did not work out for me too.
Re: Raven's Revenge Recruiting Im a Baltimore Ravens fan so i demand that your clan becomes kixk ass! Seriously though, good thread.
Re: Raven's Revenge Recruiting I don't know about many fails/steals, all I know is you pay really good!
Re: Raven's Revenge Recruiting You are 100% right CC, Some of them have a set ,the rest can go to hell.
Re: Raven's Revenge Recruiting Nice post Ravens, pity about the needy trolls. A Kat in charge of a flock of birdscould work I guess. I'm told u go for the food but stay for the scintillating conversation. Good luck guys
Re: Raven's Revenge Recruiting Thank you for all the supporters and well wishes. You have a great clan there Kat, I enjoyed my visit with Ravens Revenge, and very nice story Jeremy! I'll be visiting there again real soon!
Re: Raven's Revenge Recruiting One of the better recruitment threads I e seen that is partially correct for the layout. Just forgot a few things
Re: Raven's Revenge Recruiting Tweets, Fury, Abs- thanks for the lovins! We adore visitors! Monster, thank you for the positive feedback. We do have our sparkly eb fairy wings, but we are a lot of fun.