Please help--being farmed by KOTFE

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ___Instrument-Of-Obedience___, Sep 8, 2014.

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  1. Op, what do you have to brag about. You are stripped and potless. You enjoyed ee obviously but that's over with until you fill kotFE's cf reqs, and now that you've ran your mouth THAT might not even be an option. You brag like you've won something but all that time you put into that well towered build with a very nice set of eq is simply a loss to you.
  2. Man what a great build, no allies no offensive stats and no plunder and no gold saved. It's a revolution.
  3. That is a true "for the love of god please dont hit me" build. Forum trolling isnt going to help. Get some allies. Build some more attack. Send out some hits then sit back and watch your newsfeed go. Pointless pinning you or even hitting you for that matter with that build. You dont have enough attack to pin anyone. You have no allies you have nothing to lose. And whoever hits you has nothing to gain.
  4. I did read your post .all I see is an attention ***** saying look at me I'm significant and in reality the reason noone is keeping you pinned is because noone really cares. you are a statless alt.... a statless alt with towers drop the towers buy some allies then talk some crap
  5. Its a Turtletroll or TurTroll (copyright me) build if you please...a nefarious little creature that's shell is hard to crack but who's mirth is mighty...hohum
  6. No pots or allies...impressive...not easy to do
  7. That is a beast ee build, but that's about it.
  8. LoL. Punch bag for boredom.
  9. Lol. As predicted most of the forums are in fact stupid mindless trolls that have no capacity for interpretation. I was not asking for help for myself you stupid morons. Get a life. It was meant as a joke.

    Thank you to KOTFE for being the only ones capable of understanding sarcasm and being cool about it.

    Mods please lock so we can stop feeding the trolls. Ty
  10. Op are you slow, simple or stupid. I get the sarcasm. Reread my post. I gave you an answer to get more incoming. You want to talk about trolls not reading. You are a troll who obviously cant read either.
  11. Keep trying little guy you will be relevant one day. Or maybe not your literally too stupid to insult
  12. Lol B-Crap. I only lost 1 attack from pin. And won plenty of assassins. Who sucks? Lock at your stats then mine. I bet you lose 99.9899999% of all actions on me. Get back to me in a week after I'm done burning all you have.
  13. Honestly I wouldn't even hit op... I would just wait and wait see when he changes build then strip his ass that's if it ever changes lol
  14. You won 5 and lost 5. Congrats you moved my spy bar 7% and used full pots to do it. You really are stupid. By my math thats 50% success rate. 50% is not winnimg by any stretch of the imagination
  15. Yes you won some attacks. Big deal it happens. You used full pots I only had 5 of the lowest def pots. So please try agaim
  16. Op...I....I may be in love with you...

    What I'm saying is op, I would happily turn gay for you
  17. So you admit I won 50%. I bet you lose 90% using full pots. By my math that means I win. Go ahead puss. Give a try. Too scared?
  18. Re read the post lol.. No one mentioned you getting help they were dissing your build :lol: and why you weren't getting hit
  19. Lol hulk. Another suck ass build. I won all actions on you from pin with no pots. Try the same.
  20. Op you truly are stupid. Why would I hit you? Nothing to gain for me but losses becase of towers. Yeah I could mith up use pots and hit. But that would cost me. You have 0 gold to lose and no trophy to win for ending you. See clearly a win on my part from intelligence.
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