please cf iG 

Discussion in 'Wars' started by __Just__Push__It__In__________, Jun 20, 2014.

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  1. Salty Get in a clan that can actually do something for you besides that pathetic clan you are in
  2. To do bigger ebs right?
  3. Oh wow really a cf thread for a war clan now going after noobs

    No one cares about the noobs you farm go and win a an osw and then we care
  4. They didnt tell you about the osw we had with them that lasted a day?
  5. Uve never won an osw wolfy so shut up
  6. Eat my balls you pansy

    I do know your main is lurking in bh
  7. You guys are kidding me right? Most everyone her especially salty and andy are acting like toddlers. Its a cf who give two cents what clan its for... You arent on topic at all. What a waste of time seriously.
  8. Who let the puppy in?
  9. Yes I am mad how did you know my name was mad?
  10. I tho it was chump
  11. Tho ?

    Don't you mean thought ?
  12. Request a lock already...
  13. Mod please lock this thread
  14. Baaaaaam!!!! Grammar nazi strikes again!
  15. Salty go crawl back in your hole. Your obnoxious mouth is annoying. Your just an attention seeking loud mouth noob. Shut the hell up!!
  16. CF FROM iG???


    Those noobs farm like old inactiveG got smacked around by Clan B! What a joke!
  17. Lol family going crazy
  18. [​IMG]
    Lol heres mister badass who can only fail
  19. Please get this thread locked before those noobs embarass themselves anymore.

    Dont particularly want to see it in AT either
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