please cf iG 

Discussion in 'Wars' started by __Just_Push_It__lIllI_l_l_I___, Jun 20, 2014.

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  1. After she put about 10 posts saying 'im waiting for you to hit me', what do you expect? Noob
  2. Failed hits dont count as hits Salty
  3. Ooops i did it again
  4. Well me and you have had our differences IG. But good job️

    Manic is a disrespectful punk
  5. No wonder ig was known. Its full of gals who are full time drama queens/ scouters
  6. Welcome to ig bank system
  7. Get out of pin you eb fairy
  8. All talk
  9. Salty u lost 5 against me 
  10. Omg!eb fairy!?!?!? Bahahaha yeah brah like, totally. Ebs r ma life
  11. Peanut is a perv btw. He keeps following me nonstop
  12. Come out of pin noob so i can win my 5 hits and not lose like u did
  13. I haven't follow u
  14. You are right behind him, everyone can see you noob
  15. I got your noob right here.
  16. Go for a lucky guess you donkey
  17. U peanut. Everybody no ur a freaking perv
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