please cf iG 

Discussion in 'Wars' started by __Just__Push__It__In__________, Jun 20, 2014.

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  1. Salty.can u leave the thread mate 
  2. Yeah. All u puppets follow ur master
  3. Np maniac.
  4. Thank the good lord for that.
  5. Lop He's just noob raging in here, guess He's afraid of.this iG noob
  6. Don't mention his name anymore. He's like the candy man. Say his name a few times and he appears. Only difference is that candy man kills.

    This guy just spouts nonsense.
  7. Lopi your a good friend to me but this thread is going off topic just stay on topic about OP's cf.
  8. and best part is that salty had a cf thread this weak already
  9. U called me? Whats up?
  10. Nobody called u and u were asked to leave thread so see ya go back to your own cf page and cry
  11. U mentioned me so i can come back. U mad?
  12. Salty you messed with the wrong girl, now come out of pin you eb fairy noon, you hit me first and talked crap in here and on my wall So It's game on dude! Yours will be the next apology and cf thread to me and my family
  13. Goddess, stop thinking your amazing because you are hitting someone ALOT smaller than you.
  14. I believe he hit first, so shut it.
  15. There. I hit u too. What u gonna do about it " big dog"?
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