Playoff Time

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -_-LR-----Dr-Pinky-------LR-_-, Aug 11, 2012.

  1. Last Rights vs. Middle Kingdom, been watching it.. It's a close war, both sides have 20.1bil. All the other wars a spread apart by great numbers of plunder :p
    But the HGL War seem to be close(ish) ;) Support for Last Rights and Se7en S1ns

    ;) :) :p :D
  2. Yeah we have good fight on our hands!
  3. My Predictions:

    Summer Wars- Quarter Finals

    First Matchup
    Se7en S1ns vs Zaft Destiny

    Winner: ZAFT Destiny

    Second Matchup
    Last Rights vs Middle Kingdom

    Winner: Last Rights

    Third Matchup
    HGL vs MiNG n BAR

    Winner: HGL

    Final Matchup
    The Hallow vs Mercnary Inc

    Winner: Mercenary Inc

    Summer Wars- Semi-Finals*

    First Matchup
    ZAFT Destiny vs Last Rights

    Winner: ZAFT Destiny

    Second Matchup
    HGL vs Mercenary Inc

    Winner: Mercenary Inc

    Summer Wars- Finals*

    Final Matchup
    ZAFT Destiny vs Mercenary Inc

    Winner: ZAFT Destiny

    *Match ups might be incorrect. Because, well, obviously I can guess wrong. These are just my predictions
  4. Support for Last Rights 
  5. Merc inc.
    Zaft Destiny
    Middle Kingdom
  6. I agree with your match ups silver
  7. Looks good yeab but doesn't have LR winning so is probably wrong :p
  8. I agree totally with silver ;)
  9. MERCANARY gonna win it
  10. Zaft should take it.
  11. I hope LR wins overall but I think ZAFT will, but it's not over yet.
  12. I thought X524 quit?
  13. I want last rights to win,
  14. Since mercs were 1 seed and zaft was 4 seed they should meet next week in the semis (assuming they keep going strong today). Go mercs!
  16. :( last rights is down by 6bil, GOAST RIGHTS!

    The Hollow obviously gonna beat Merc Inc. (They ahead by a good 35bil)

    Se7en S1ns gonna beat Ming n Bar (Sorry if wrong with clans)

    And HGL is sadly losing :( Down by 15-20bil