Players that should be VK

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Rusted_Knight_of_Serenity, May 4, 2015.

  1. Hello who told u i helped single clan ?

    Have helped more than1k player in Kaw in tbeir build.

    Only player in Kaw who post ads asking to flw me if they need any help in tjeir build.

    I have even helped some of peeps from apoc aliance too.

    Ask in wc u will know.
  2. Ken seems a pretty good guy, he just suffers from being in the wrong wc (our Asia/Euro one), and not being visible on the forum (English isn't his mother tongue, so you should go easy on him). He regularly advertizes (and this for quite a long time) his help on build questions in wc, and I'm certain that he has helped more than one on that topic. Imo as much of a VK as a few that got that achievement.

    Ashes not being a VK so far is the surprise to me (ah well, as much as I always was surprised to see Mango not being a VK until it finally hit her), especially after the latest wave of nominations. One might argue that being an entertainer isn't worth a VK title, but I would disagree. His quality threads and witty posts do keep the forums interesting and alive.
  3. I'm not recommended to be vk? Shame...
  4. Yes forums posts counts are very important
    Also no support
  5. Apoc really is none of my concern and a lot of players help other players in this game. But as far as what I've heard you say, you seem like a good player and a good help but still not one I would push for VK.

    I have an extensive OSW ally guide in forums. Have posted a ton of threads with ideas to better help the community. I have an up coming? Dev backed trivia thread on it's way. I have also judged multiple dev backed forum games that center around PvP. I have worked my tail off to help the clans I am in to win OSW and to build their clans by recruiting. I have taught a lot of players the mechanics of the game and how to better post in forums to include one of the current VK's.

    I fought Zaft head on solo for 7 months because they were making a pal of mine game miserable for an ally hire. Moved allies and bantered like a raving moron in forums.

    I feel like I have done a part in this game that includes influencing clans, players, VK's and Mods.

    Still I do not feel like I am even close to deserving VK because there are many players that have done more for this game for a longer stretch of time than myself.

    I would see;
    Philo, joe_, Ashes, Galan_Dracos, Twicc, and a few others get the VK title before I would even began to think I deserve anything close to an honorable mention to a VK.

    What will kill it for you is that you feel entitled to something. Or that you feel because you help that you should get something shinny.

    Hell no, I help because I want to see this game do better and I won't accept anything shinny until I see those who deserve VK more than me receive it.

    This is my final response to you.
  6. For him to get even considered he needs backing from those who he helped. Past that, on this forum he is acting whinny and entitled.
  7. Rusted, I do agree on that.

    I suspect some frustration and disappointment after the latest addition (especially Sean's nomination might have caused some...), hence the moaning.

    There are however countless players that do help the community grow, make the game a better place, and so on. For most of them it's natural, simply trying to create the friendliest social environment for them and their friends. They will never be considered for VKs and they won't bother. They get their sense of accomplishment by just helping out.

    You have named quite a few veterans as potential candidates and I would tend to agree that those veterans (some even are legends...) have shaped the game itself, by sticking around all that time. Joe_, Galan_Dracos, Twicc, Sholron, Killzone, Ahdragos are names that come to my mind (lol, I remember putting ads "wisdom for VK" on the wc as a joke a few years ago).
  8. So Ashes of Eden is a guy? I always thought he is a female VS model that plays KAW.
  9. I support ashes. Makes good thread we all like. But I have never heard of joe. Only thing I seen phil post was an osw thread.. I know a few peeps who deserve vk. But will probably never get it. And then there r some that r vk and I have no idea y.

  10. Did someone say VS Models!?
  11. There she is. Ashes for VK ️
  12. Someone give Ashes VK now! :lol:
  13. How could you forget about me, The_Beginner?
  14. I honestly think that Sethosaurus_ should recieve VK because he's funny, has a great personality, and is helpful to new players.

  15. Ashes and twcc I can see.

    Phil? Meh. Your argument started strong then integrity popped up and you lost me. It'd be cool though just so he had another reason to be hated on and farmed.
  16. I just want to throw this out.......and I do not see behind the scenes as the devs can.....but, I think the devs may be looking at what contributions individual players provide in PM and in wc as well as on walls and in forums. That is why i said earlier that vks are looked at for the help they provide. I once submitted to be mod and was a bit humbled with the questions they asked....I have not helped out the kawmunity near what my ego had once thought. I know for sure that phil and ashes have helped hundreds or more behind the scenes....they have my full support and respect. Maybe instead of boasting on ourselves sometimes, we should look to be a bit more meek and humble like I have seen them. They do it in a respectful but fun way.
  17. This is for this fool!!!!

  18. Phil. Here is yours to top bud....

  19. Not much of a booty, but she still a cutie.
