Then I'd suggest you use google. If I knew how to post the link to national socialism definition you would just back peddle. It indoctrinates racism and expansionism. This is what you believe in then you are no different than a white supremacists. Here is a died with you know who, and if was so great of a theory it would still be used today. Now shut up you racist sob. Don't sit back and click away that you didn't mean what you said. So grab your hood you have clumps of cells to kill and sell off.
Gettin real heated in this abortion thread. Ima hit record on my DVR, and go make some popcorn. Y'all just keep doin your dance, and throwin around them mean words. This'll be better than Real Housewives.
Valid point, I guess it all depends on the warped opinion of what does and does not constitute life. Same people of the "party of science" take down flags to prevent shootings and celebrate micro organisms as "life". But by all means you educate me on what is and is not life, I'm all ears.
Is there really a definition? Since ww2 the generations that followed as become laxed in what is important for achieving goals and fulfilling life on earth. There was a time that marriage and building a family was put first before everything else. Now it's everyone out for themselves for the most part. Used to be you knock a chic up you got married and raised a family...most times it ended up as a big family. Get up go to work and teach your children how to be responsible adults. Now with the lack of parenting kids fumble through experiences sometimes lucky on the other end. The govt decided in order to help these kids through the accidental pregnancies they would create a way to rectify those problems by funding a "whoops" clause way out. Planned Parenthood as a form of birth control. Some states allow late term abortions( this is not just "clump" of cells to quote a white supremacist). This is arms,hands,legs,feet,eyes,and a heart beat. Some have been so late term that they survived but abortion non the less. Now as much as planned parenthood lobbies and advertises there is no wonder that people flock to have this procedure. "You're just not ready yet? We can help" on billboards. It's sad that someone believes that. Even sadder yet when a girl/woman knows what they did was wrong in the first place but decides to do something far worse as a solution. What's even worse is a predator like planned parenthood preying on the misguided and found a way to profit from it So clearly they don't think there is life inside the womb. Everyone else thinks there is life at some point in the womb but only they can decide what they deem expectable to live with whatever decisions they make.
Is this a new thing? Posting in an unviewable (to some devices) type? Why bother posting at all? I agree with not quoting and reposting their posts, because anyone who purposefully does that deserves to be ignored.
At least it won't be a concern for long, Planned Parenthood is on its way out, a sinking ship after this fiasco. Nothing the Left and media can do to save it. Gosnell only had one office and he's in prison, imagine the repercussions of a country-wide organization. It will be like the Nuremberg Trials.
Wow so anyone bother to read the reports from a reputable news source instead of just some you tube video that was posted by a group that has already attempted and failed to pull off a "sting" operation on Planned parenthood? You should all Google search Lila Rose and Live Action and find out who is really behind this "sting". Also here's Planned Parenthood's response: These outrageous claims are flat-out untrue, but that doesn't matter to politicians with a longstanding political agenda to ban abortion and defund Planned Parenthood. Women and families who make the decision to donate fetal tissue for lifesaving scientific research should be honored, not attacked and demeaned. Some of you sound like Jack Warner quoting the onion in defense of his FIFA allegations. Be more skeptical. I'm not saying there was no foul play but the objective truth usually lies somewhere in between the two sides of a story.
The sad part is, everyone knows this video was a fake piece of propaganda, cobbled together by unprincipled hacks. And yet, almost everyone who supports their cause goes along with the lie, rather than condemning it. After all, why have a real conversation about something when you can point to a fake argument? What's that old saying? "If you can't win fairly, lie and cheat." Truly another sad day for democracy and principled debate.
In all honesty, if a fetus, not a baby but a fetus is aborted, then the woman carrying the future child is basically giving up control of said fetus. Planned Parenthood now owns this fetus and can deal with this fetus however it wants. If you are gonna go after the sale of fetus organs/tissues as inhumane because it came from a dead fetus, then you have to go after the mothers for having an abortion anyways. The future child is already dead, why not sell it's organs/tissues to causes that could use it to conduct genetic research or medicines. I mean throwing away a fetus, in a trash bag, sounds a whole lot worse than distributing partials to people for monetary gain. Look at the capitalist side here :lol: but all jokes aside, these aren't children. They aren't classified as human beings yet. Think stem cell but much more later term, obviously. It's not like these are abortions in the 3rd trimester, it's not a kid by textbook definition yet. The fetus is viably a human being at 24-28 weeks or 6-7 Months, hence the 3rd trimester. Because of this, PP is not selling human body parts or organs but fetal tissue. No different than stem cell research. Lawfully, nothing can be done, or should be done until the law changes to where all fetuses are considered children.
Typical. Attack the source but provide no substance. It hurts when you people get caught with their hand in the cookie jar. Generally, the only retort is to do character attacks or make adhominum statements, but a reply in substance is almost always lacking when people get caught out doing something wrong. Btw, the entire 3 hour video was also posted for public review. The people who ran the Sting put it up there on YouTube so that they could be fully transparent. That's a sign of good faith. "We did a 3 hour sting. Here it is. If you don't feel like watching it all, here are the highlights." If you feel this is dishonest (it isn't) then string together parts of the video and make a defense. This is a call to all lefties, and it will go unanswered because they CANT do that with the video, because there is nothing to defend. I know this is embarrassing for planned parenthood. This is stuff they'd keep under wraps if they could, but they were caught out, so now their only course of action is to have their minions attack the source. In a way, it's sad, as it shows how closed minded people can be when presented with evidence. The emotional knee jerk reaction usually wins out. However, on the other side of the coin, I take comfort in the attacks like the one above, becsuse it shows that planned parenthood and it's supporters have nothing of substance to offer.mthey are coming up empty, and I find that to be enormously satisfying
If you're referring to my "attack" I am merely stating the law. No statistics are needed. I have just as much info as you ️
Was referring to King calm Your post was well written, as it addresses key issues and doesn't attack the source. Your post simply came up before mine did on the screen.
All sources are not created equal. When some nut job that runs an already discredited organization starts another one just to attempt the same thing, I seriously question anything they have to say.
Personally, I feel as though just because it has a heart, liver, lungs, ect, it isn't a person. If we call fetuses living people, then mothers would be murders for having an abortion. Now personally I place the rights of the living mother over those of the in born child. Planned parenthood is simply a place that will help people who aren't ready to be parents get an abortion. What's wrong with that? Its not like people ask for the fetus back, or expect it to revive a proper burial. So why not help the living by selling the otherwise useless sack of genetic material?
interesting point of view. How would you define what a person is? (Not an attack, just curious) That is the great debate. Many DO consider many abortions to be murder. If it's a child, then it is a person, and, all people should habe basic rights, so, I take umbrage with that statement. As previously stated, many people believe that the life inside the womb, if it has a brain, heart, Lungs, and a liver means it's a oerson, so the answer to "what's wrong with that" would be "your killing people. As for people not being ready to parent a child, I can fully respect that, and things happen that we don't intend! That's why adoption is a life giving route that will give a child a chance at a better life. Just sayin, abortion isn't the end all and be all for every unwanted pregnancy. Because the dead have rights. This is why grave robbing is illegal too. And, before you say that the life inside the womb has no rights, the United States has laws against trafficking in baby body parts, so, at least some rights for those kids still exist, even if they are killed.
It doesn't matter how sweet defines a person, all that matters is what the law states and the law states PP has done nothing incorrectly.