Planned parenthood caught in major sting. What do you think?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by ThreeSheeps, Jul 16, 2015.

  1. Moose a fetus is not a infant, anyone killing a infant would go to jail.
  2. Dude you just keep back peddling. You bring it up then you say you didn't. Are you reading what you are typing?

    Give your computer/idevice to that same family down the street....they can use it better. You know that socialism thing keeps poking you unt the ***
  3. I haven't back peddled at all domo you're just can't read.

    You still keep implying national socialism and socialism is the same thing cause you were dropped as a child ones a economic view and ones a political party.

    Google is you're friend but at this point I figure you're a troll.
  4. This thread is not about whether or not abortions are right or wrong. This is turning into a religion thread about the holiness of abortions and how certain places don't support abortions.

    This thread is about Planned Parenthood and their alleged selling of organ tissue.

    But so nice of a mod to help derail it all for us.
  5. That is a matter of debate.
    Most reasonable people would say that a person has a head, liver, lungs, heart, and brain . Basically all the parts that planned parenthood is collecting and Distributing in that video I watched.
  6. Generally abortions are done when the fetus is a clumb of cells, I agree when it's at that point it is developed enough to where it should not be harmed.
  7. This thread is a discussion thread. The discussion has wandered off track a bit, but the discussion is still quality stuff, so I'm not too fussed.
  8. Here I thought we were talking legalities, and last I checked, Church and State are still separate.
  9. The abortions discussed in the video are well beyond the "clump of cells" stage.

    As for me, I believe life begins at conception, but this is a bridge too far for most folks, so it's not a point I will rally on. I prefer defending ground that's a bit broader and can gain more consensus
  10. Yep, they are, which is why the American government cannot require a catholic company like hobby lobby to fund abortive procedures for is employees.
    Separation of church and state maintained
  11. I don't think I mentioned hobby lobby.

    Or whether the government had to force anyone to insure abortions.

    I am trying to talk about the OP itself, on what to do with the waste left over from these legal abortions.

  12. I'm of the opinion that you can do what you like with your body and its contents.
  13. And what happens when you sign those papers without reading, and it says they can dispose of the aborted waste any way that they feel?
  14. Well first, prolly shoulda read.
    But assuming you didn't, meh. Its out of your body, its out of your thoughts. That's the reason you went there to begin with right? Get rid of something that clearly weighed a bit too heavily on your mind?
  15. Why can't you trick an aborted fetus?

    It wasn't born yesterday.
  16. The aborting of human life while in the womb and the selling of human body parts is on the same level of evil as the methodical killing of the Holocaust. There is no difference.
  17. Yea there is no difference between killing 6 million people and vacuuming a collection of cells.

    Ohio state education ? worth the money .
  18. 11 million m8. Gays are people too.
  19. What is red and crawls up your leg...

    A homesick abortion.
  20. Outdated. I first heard that one in 2011.