Planned parenthood caught in major sting. What do you think?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by ThreeSheeps, Jul 16, 2015.

  1. Omg!!! Did you just say you are a race supremacist?
  2. Did I say they should be forced to not have more then two kids, or that we should make laws to put that in effect. The answer would be no.

    Do I need to reply to you're posts when you make ignorant statements no, but it's fun

    Also >taking everything out of context cause you have no argument

  3. 2nd sentence. You what ? So nobody in your eyes are equal. I knew it. Only socialists are equal to ea other. Lmao !! Or maybe not.

    Tell you what mr socialist since you feel the need to open your mouth to your true colors and spew the hate you have towards race/families/small businesses/basic human rights(like not to fund the deadbeats), let's do a project starring you. Take a percentage of your weekly salary(15% after taxes) walk down to your city projects(the city that has low gun ownership of 48% I'm still laughing at that one) ( 48% is the new low people ....write that down). Ok where was I ........oh yes.....15% of take home pay and give....wait you wouldn't like that word.....donate to a family in need that only has 2 kids. That type of family is struggling also. Once a week you should do this since you believe in this type of society. You preach it then you should practice it, but start with your own money and do it directly. Then tell them that SINCE you are giving them this money that they will have to abide by your rules that you set willing to try that with your own money ? You know give the socialism a try.
  4. What hate have i spewed you idiot you don't even know the policy's national socialism had 

    Showed where where I showed hate for anyone,the only person I hate is you because in the age of information you refuse to learn anything.

    On the 48% you still don't know the average gun ownership of most towns, so compared to the 54-58% of gun ownership in most city's in my state it's lower therefor being lower then the average in my state.
    Math is hard

    Then again it's the republican way to just try and name and shame instead of disproving anything

    But by that huge rant you don't understand the basics of even socialism.

    Go watch Fox News or even learn to google.

  5. Umm Obama care birth control to be covered by health insurance
  6. hobby lobby sued; on religious grounds, to be exempt from providing health insurance to women that included birth control.

    they somehow won in the supreme court.

    this created grounds for catholic employers to deny women health insurance that included birth control.

    besides, it was quite a fight to get that into the health care law in the first place. for decades, birth control was not covered and most women had to pay out of pocket.
  7. Oh I know what had to be done to start national socialism. Genocide....problem is you keep dancing around the issue.

    Maybe you would be willing to do this test....

    Come up with an idea to create something. Put your OWN money,your OWN blood/sweat/tears, your OWN signature on the doted line to build a business that produces your creation. Then let the govt regulate it to the point that your OWN business only produce enough funds to pay overpriced employees, buy/pay/rent business equipment, and a meek salary that the govt deems fit for the survival of your pretend 2 kid family. You might not want to get up in the morning really wouldn't have to because a govt appointed employee would be overseeing your production anyways.

    Hey you wouldn't have to have that 3rd kid.....wait ....that 3rd kid could be profit
    You could almost have the 3rd kid but you could part that 3rd kid out to the highest bidder. Damn. There is your profit that you can hide from the govt.......sound familiar?? Planned Parenthood. Socialism at its finest
  8. So genocide came first? Even though it was there before it,it was started without it but it was committed during a rule of national socialism yes.

    Just showing you don't understand basic history too

    I don't think you understand the mark system used by national socialism, yet again because you don't understand it.

    Please tell me you are just a troll?
  9. Marx didn't work either. Please show where it is in effect today. Waiting
  10. The mark system did work it's one of the reason Germany turned into a global superpower at that time even after being limited by treaty's after ww1. That would make it near impossible to do.

    Unless you are referring to Marxism which natsoc is against

  11. Typo you dipstick

  12. They don't have to be in play today to mean I works, after the new government was installed by the allies the mark system was removed.

    Just like you're beloved Christians forcing people to convert at the edge of a sword is it Inplay today?
    No but it worked

    Why so mad? You have google you want me to inform you more I'm tired of that.

    All the information in the world is pretty much in the reach of you're fingertips but finding that information is hard for you.

    Also try refuting something instead of mocking what they believe you might get somewhere then, but you will never learn.

    Ima be afk for afew hours in the meantime google my friend
  13. This statement doesn't provide an accurate picture of that case.

    Hobby lobby DOES Provide women with birth control. To be specific, the ONLY birth control that hobby lobby does not provide is the "abortive" birth control, such as the morning after pill, like RU486.

    Of the 21 types of birth control the insurance offers, hobby lobby still offers 18 of them. The 18 that are considered non abortive.

    Since hobby lobby states openly that their a religious company, and abortion is a clear violation of their religion, yet they still need to provide birth control for its employees, the ruling that was handed down seemed to be quite reasonable.

    The state was not forcing that group of people to act against their religious beliefs and that group of people still provides 18 out of 21 types of birth control for its employees
  14. Hobby lobby needs to realize that not everyone on the planet is a part of their goddamn religion .

    while I may not necessarily agree with abortion , who the hell am I or anyone to tell someone else what to do with their body ? People need to get over themselves and their holier than thou morals . Live the way you want to live and let others do the same .
  15. Hobby lobby isn't telling others what to do with their bodies. Hobby lobby simply finds compulsory funding for abortive procedures to go against their catholic religion.

    Don't like it? Don't work at hobby lobby. I'm sure Walmart has no such qualms and would happily provide you with the care you're looking for
  16. I feel I should be in on this topic. But, lazy
  17. The only thing you can say is that it worked. It was a short period of time. If the system was the best then it would have been adopted by everyone. You really are brainwashed to pull up pre ww1. 

    Germany the greatest global power.......Buhahaha. Never was or never will be. What's really causing the eruro to tank ?? Hmmm idk .....socialism( which they really like to be call pseudo democracy). Redistribution of wealth is a check that NO govt can write long term. Giving the money to fund others problems is never been the solution. Planned parenthood is prime example. Fund it and they will come running to have the procedure done. Govt can only fund it for so long before other policies begin to fail from lack of funds. Your beloved type of govt only looks good in books. Hell mark not even practiced today by Germany( one of the most liberal country in the world). What the hell do they care what treaty was signed in ww1? You must of just learned about this type of govt to be on point. That's fine.....move. Go on your world quest you friggin moron (for a lack of an unfiltered word).

    Please sell your body parts.....the proceeds go to your parents to pay them back for the money they wasted on the whole birthing process of you.
  18. Also, hobby lobby isn't saying women can't have abortions. They are simply saying they won't pay for it. That's a pretty big difference
  19. People will not always adopt the best, you think capitalism is and well it's not adopted by everyone. I'm brainwashed because I bring up world war1 the treaty's thst happened hurt the German economy and taken big industrial city's from them with the land they took.

    I never said they are the greatest super power today you idiot. Giving money to stop other peoples problems sounds like a republican thing how many company's do we have to bailout because of you guys?

    The treaty does not effect Germany today, as we were talking about national socialism which is not practiced in Germany today so that does not matter. Neither does them not using the mark as that was changed after the new government was installed by the allies.

    Keep insulting me because you fail to refute a point

    Also that wouldn't be pre ww1 I never brought up pre ww1, learn basic history mate.
  20. While you may want to live the way you want, the key is also letting "others live" they way they want. Abortion prevents exactly that. Abortion takes infants and kills them out right. It's not live and let live. It's live and make die.

    As a compassionate society, you Americans should be standing up for those who can't take a stand them selves. Many Americans do this and I applaud them for it. But the "live the way you want and let others live the way they want" philosophy doesn't work with the abortion issue, as abortion is an industry of death