whoa wait a second. Being reimbursed for travel and storage is coming from somewhere else.....duh It's pretty simple...planned parenthood is a govt funded entity through millions in grants and also gets funding from donations under the guise of being a health clinic for women. Selling tissue for profit is separate from what the govt gives in money to run operations. It's a " non-profit" entity , which they get certain tax exemptions and waivers from the govt in order to exist. Now if they are selling tissue for money, then planned parenthood should no longer be classified as "non-profit". Here something to think about......travel and storage reimbursement is most likely already being paid by the govt. for the disposal of said tissue. Do you think that is really that hard to fudge the books to show the delivery of said bought tissue as travel and storage? It's really all about cooking the books. This is another shiny beacon of a govt paid worker in high up position getting greedy. I'd like to know just how much her salary she claims verses where the funds from the sales are going. Republicans need to push for an audit and then trace the money.
He answer this is called "adoption". I am a parent who has walked through the adoption process, and I can tell you that there are roughly 10 prospective adoptive parents waiting for each infant that needs a home. Infant adoption is what the lion share of people who go this route want. So, instead of having UNWANTED kids being born into poor families, those kids can go to homes where they have a real shot at a good life. I fear, however, that this is going a bit off topic, but I recon I'd address it anyway.
So I feel that many things are stemmed from a difficulty in childhood and family structure. Unstable families "magically" produce unstable people and bullies as well as incredibly mentally tough and talented people. Not necessarily exclusively separate. Thus to me a way to educate people is to start as early as possible, if people miss that opportunity and do not know how to find initial success then they need to find a way to gain a stable life or a semblance of a stable life to begin to change their outlook on life and be able to find and hold onto a mentor. A positive and stable influence on their life. If that means having to make the incredibly hard decision that you are not ready in many respects to raise a child and cannot bring the child to term because of a need to go to school, work, or other opportunities to escape from an unsafe neighborhood then perhaps abortion is necessary. Otherwise maybe adoption would make sense, but sometimes people are far weaker than our make-believe perception of them are. Therefore maybe some people believe or know they could not face the shame and humiliation of following their parents, friends, or being the only pregnant woman in school or work. Therefore they selfishly have to get an abortion to not break down. On that note, it is not a 100% sure thing that literally everyone is fit to have children. Clearly children are the future and all the world's hope is put into their sweet innocent minds, but in general children do not overcome adversity without a positive mentor. If their parents cannot give that to them (as is the case in many people) then it is much more difficult. Thus some people are not fit to have kids, obviously some people think they're not and then turn out to be fantastic. Therefore you cannot judge who can and cannot have kids, but mentally unstable and drug addicts and very irresponsible people should at the very least have someone more capable to help take care of the kids. This leads me to my pet peeve.
According to my logic? What logic? Are you saying that because I asked for a time stamp so that I could find the section... Sort of how I left the number [02854] at the top of that? You know, so people could use it to search for the section I was quoting... And I accidentally deleted the post I was referring to with a copy of this post. Face. Palm.
I have one word for you that stops everything that you listed not to have kids.......abstainence. Or however you spell it You do the horizontal mambo then you better man up or woman up and take responsibility for your actions. Millions upon millions of people raise kids and still obtain their life goals whether single or married. Using those excuses after the fact is immature in which those individuals weren't mature enough to lay together in the first place. Really I can't believe that the clinic is called planned parenthood, should changed the name to Unplanned Parenthood after this debacle.
These old guys sitting in lawn chairs outside of Planned Parenthood trying to stop abortions. You really want to do the thing with the least effort. The number one and best way to prevent kids would be to educate people to be abstinent, but teenagers are complex and believe in a greater sense of immortality in the moment than an adult. Therefore condom educations is usually more effective. These petitioners won't go to teach in schools that need sex education 1. No knowledge that they should. And 2. No innate desire to go educate the young. So if they're not going to do that and these petitioners get someone to not abort their child; and then subsequently that person, who is not ready to have a child does not send their child to adoption and decides to raise their child, these people should be willing to help raise that child. If I knew that these people were generous loving people willing to take on the world and help kids at all cost, I would be so with them. Let's save all the kids possible, but the reality is that in general for many young people in harsh environments with incredibly young parents, some as young as when a girl A GIRL gets her first period which can be scarily as early as 10 or 11, have no one there to support them. It takes a special person to dedicate themselves to that extra work and effort. Much easier to say don't abort a child then to say don't abort that child and come to me for support to help take care of that child. Also much easier in the most bleak way to have an abortion than it is to have an adoption since the body has to undergo less stress. Using abortion as a substitute for protection and safe sex is wrong, but if used for those people who need to have their moment because they're unable to struggle through pregnancy into adoption then perhaps not. Much in the same way you cannot regulate who does or does not qualify as able to have a child (even people with special needs who clearly cannot take care of themselves let alone a child), I do not believe we can parse through and regulated who is or is not allowed to have an abortion.
In what I've seen teaching kids abstinence DOESNT WORK what do you think they've been teaching kids the past 20 years? What they need to know is how to practice save sex and the true consequences of what pregnancy comes with how they'll either have to abort the baby or be burdened with a baby that they didn't want.
How predictable. A group of hacks produce a highly edited video to fit a made-up narrative, and the gullible and the fanatics point to the lie and pretend it's a real conversation. If you disagree with abortion on a moral or legal basis, that's fine, we can have those debates. But standing on an obviously fake set-up video is disingenuous, and is only necessary when you don't have any real arguments.
No. Abstinence eduction doesnt work. people are biologically compelled to have sex. That is like saying the best way to lose weight is to not eat. The best way to reduce abortions would be to make birth control easily available to women. Which is why it is so disgusting that women have to fight to have the pill covered by insurance.
Im a fan of free or cheap birth control for both men and women. A minor investment at he start saves major expense and drama later
Clearly the main point that was being addressed was that this lady and perhaps the agency was involved in organ trading of the inborn fetuses that would viably become newborn babies. That is clearly unethical and pretty demented, but there is a paradoxical nature to that as a dead person cannot use their organs. I believe in China they may use the organs of dead people if they're viable for transplant to save another's life. Here in America you cannot just take a dead persons organs unless they are a confirmed organ donor before death. A fetus cannot give any confirmation, but what if their sadly forfeit life was able to save another's? I think it is wrong to use abortion as an organ harvesting venture, but apparently we don't know for sure what the full video reveals according to wordwaster. Honestly I think it could very well be that that person is essentially morally and ethically corrupt in order to get more money. It could even be am organizational concept, but I think that is unfair to use that as an argument against abortion. Furthermore I think it is imprecise while accurate to describe abortion as killing someone. Especially since the people getting abortions should be in a difficult situation and often those in our penal system who are executed (killed) because they harmed or killed another likely came from a hard or unstable environment. Nothing when looked in terms of a majority rather than individualistic probabilities or singular events is not tied to something else. Basically just like physics every action in real life people interactions is going to result in another action or thought. It is too narrow-minded viewing of an issue to look at only the action without observing the repercussions. If there are less children for a person in a difficult situation there becomes many more things available in theory. 1. More money to be able to get out of said bad neighborhood. 2. More time to become educated and elevate from their station of life. 3. More time to commit to helping their family. 4. Most bleakly there would be less children growing up to be criminals. 5. Less children for gangs to prey upon as gangs recruit at a very very young age. So if you're against abortion as many should be ethically, then start doing something to help. In the meantime while a solution is not present then allow abortion to continue in a morbid way to prevent further propagation of difficult children and potential criminals or people living solely off well-fare. I'd go so far as to say allow abortion to be legal forever as with enough education it would only be present for extreme cases where both mother and child would die from childbirth, an emotionally scarred individual unable to live with having to bear a rapists child, and children who are pregnant. With enough education, guidance, and support systems there would be far less people getting pregnant. Those people (who are not ready for a child or had a teenage pregnancy or something where it could be a harmful situation to the mother and child in todays society) who did get pregnant would have more support and be guided on how to either take care of their child or be strong enough to go through and have to let their child go into adoption. So I always think things need to be thought out in terms of how to fix them, the real world realities of the situation when looked as a mass rather than a singular event compared to another event, and in regards to the far reaching effects and potential effects of something.
Hello.......babies are not a burden. They are the future. How they come into this world should not be the stamp of how they grow and become leaders. Do you know what the fastest growing ethnic/religious group on the planet is right now? Muslim. They are the only ones having 5 kids per family. Everyone else is down to 1-2 kids per family. I'm not talking about the 15 baby mommas out there. I'm talking about what's actually happening to the society as we speak. Once upon a time moral christian families were having 5 kids. Now maybe 1-2. We in America have been given by the govt a get out of jail free card. If you don't think that OBAMACARE funds abortions you are naive ie. Planned parenthood
I guess I am. Fool for trying to argue that people should be honest. Fool for thinking I could get through to anyone considering the topic at the center of it. Oh well. That's fine.
Or because you're a idiot, no one should be having more then 2 kids anyway the earth is already overpopulated
Or because you're a idiot, no one should be having more then 2 kids anyway the earth is already overpopulated[/quote] Lmao !!! Maybe you should become a lobbyist for that bill. See how far you get....or wait move to your preferred socialist country and abide by their laws. China ring a bell? 2 kids only and better hope they are males or you visit China's version of planned parenthood. Sansea you really want to go toe to toe on this with me? We already established that you are a supreme race advocate, now you want to tell people what they can do ? Damn You are gonna get hate mail
>still not understanding natsoc after basicly geting a lesson on it last time I never said we should limit the amount of kids you should have, but we are so over populated we can't feed everyone I guess you don't get that problem because you don't live in per say India. I'm not a race advocate I just be leave the race that built that civilization should be the majority. Never told people what they can do you idiot. How did you get passed middle school since you can't read?