would mind? it's okay. the time stamp from the full vid was on the editted vid. thanks for being a complete tool about it though. really makes me want to see your point of view.
This is a fascinating topic. I personally don't have a problem with people selling their own organs. I have no clue why this is illegal in the United States. Even though I think you should be able to sell your own organs, you shouldn't be able to sell the organs of other people with out their consent, which is what is clearly going on in this video. As is per usual, it seems opponents of the clip are going to attack the clip instead of defending planned parenthoods position on harvesting organs and what not. To me, the video seems pretty cut and dry. Let's try and keep to attacking the facts and not the source, as attacking the source is both boring and not very intellectual
Well, then post your link and state your rebuttal instead of flinging around insults. There is no need for disrespect. Please explain to me how the remark about lying to skirt partial birth abortion laws is taken out of context.
This is Kind of like stem cell research and stuff- morally wrong on so many levels but it's interesting to say the least.
I agree. Well stated! There is amazing things that can come from this, but the ends don't justify the means.
excuse me? you think that editing out context to misrepresent what was said is presenting the "facts"? the video is intentionally deceptive. and yet you think looking at what was actually said is somehow dishonest? they are not selling organs. they are not. if you watch the full video, she explains that they get reimbursed for some of the costs associated with transportation and storage. that isn't selling. that is breaking even on costs.
The ends, such as taking waste/dead fetuses that nobody wants*, doesn't justify possibly curing cancer and such? * such as aborted/partially aborted/flushed fetuses that are left at the planned parenthood site location
Deb's own words? Ppl are so gullible. See a video and automatically assume it's not fake. Sound editing? That's one of the easiest things to do. I do it all the time at my job. Give me a sample of your voice and ten minutes and I can make you say a whole crapload of nasty things and you would swear it was real.
You're claiming this video is deceptive due to clever editing and out of context quotes. You keep saying it yet you provide no links to prove otherwise. ThreeSheeps asked me if he could post that link in forum,mand after review, I allowed it. I will allow you to post links and timetables for forums consumption as well, and, since you're so adamant that this video is a dishonest, I actually expect you to do so. Please provide a link to the full 3 hour video and provide forum with a time stamp that counters the points the OP is making. Pounding the podium with your fist and saying that this is deceptive with out backing it up reduces your arguement to simple rhetoric. Fine, so they are "distributing" organs, and, according to the part of the video I saw, they are happy to lie to skirt the laws. I am still waiting for a reasonable reply to this comment about Deborah lying.
from the transcript. 028543 PP: So let me tell you an interesting story. So there’s not a lot of clear data on digoxin. Providers who use digoxin use if for one of two reasons. There’s a group of people who use it so they have no risk of violating the Federal Abortion Ban. Because if you induce a demise before the procedure, nobody’s going to say you did a “live”—whatever the federal government calls it. Partial-birth abortion. It’s not a medical term, it doesn’t exist in reality. So some people use it to avoid providing a “partial-birth abortion.” Others use it because they actually think it makes the tissue softer and it makes it safer and easier to do the procedure. Is there data for either of these? No. Because number 1, the Federal Abortion Ban is a law, and laws are up to interpretation. So there are some people who interpret it as intent. So if I say on Day 1 I do not intend to do this, what ultimately happens doesn’t matter. Because I didn’t intend to do this on Day 1 so I’m complying with the law. There are other people that say well if you induce demise it doesn’t matter, you’re never gonna do it so you don’t have to worry about intent. So that’s one side of it. The other side is there are providers who actually feel it makes the procedure easier. I am one of those providers.
jesus christ, man. "from what you saw". the video you saw was intentional deceptive. read the transcript i just posted above. and i don't see any reason to post a link. the vid and transcript are both a quick search away.
This is a good point, however, the Internet is savage when it comes to exposing frauds like this. The Internet jumped on Dan Rather when he had the bogus report on bushes service in the military. If this was fake, I promise that it would be exposed as such by now.
Aside from the law breaking immortality part of this, whats wrong with an already "aborted" baby being used rather than just sitting at the bottom of a landfill? Sure it's weird as **** that they're babies I get that it strikes some nerve of some people. But I view this the same as an organ donor when they pass anyways please don't get upset this is just my opinion
Thanks for the transcript word waster. In its context, Deborah is saying that, in her opinion the use of dioxin will kill the infant and make the delivery of the head easier because it makes the tissue pliable. I got that. Also, she says that she needs to state that on day knew she doesn't intend to do the procedure (which she fully intends to do) so that she is in compliance with the law. That's willful deception.
She was speaking hypothetically. She stated clearly before that that there are some people that believe that. She then clearly stated that she (The representative for planned parenthood) was not in that group of people.
I'm an organ donor. I hope it's a long time before I need to share. That being said, donating my body to science or to help others in need is my CHOICE. Those kids in this video don't have a choice. They are crushed and then parted out before they could ever give consent
They don't have a choice, and they never will because they're gone as their mothers wished it so for whatever reason, BUT not allowing this won't change a single thing about that though. IMO it's better than as I've said before being "disposed" of. What if some good actually came from this? Think of the possibilities. What if they found a cure for some illnesses thar we've had trouble with before. I still realize the fact that it's illegal for that it shouldn't be allowed as of right now.
No clue what happened here, but I for one thought Planned Parenthood was mainly a place where they just gave condoms and such. I was under the impression that abortions would be done at a doctors clinic under a licensed and trained physician. As with any profession there is a large amount of variability in individuals. There's more bad and intoxicated doctors than most people realize, that's not to say a majority are but that when people are interviewing a specific person about what they do very possible some people may break protocol in order to make some things easier especially when it concerns a person's life that is known to be dying. Clearly they will not prolong their pain or do something tortuous, but they may decide to avoid a surgery or other potential method to try and save a person as it looks like the surgery will not work and their life will be gone on the operating table. That's just real life where you cannot save everyone and are not punished for not trying and not rewarded for trying but are punished for failing, thus why try. To give perspective on how she would think lying about a procedure that would make the procedure easier since the fetus will be killed regardless. Unethical indeed, but perhaps her personal take on the matter rather than a broad organizational procedure. I don't have that information nor does that interest me enough to try and research. What does interest me is peoples take on abortion
Wordwaster, oh how accurate a name, how do we know you did not alter that transcript in a deceptive way? Links and video or it didn't happen according to your logic.
I think abortion is such a tricky topic not because of the specific action, but because you cannot and should not look at abortion in isolation. I believe quite strongly that it is a very sad thing and in essence sinful, but the reality of the world forces decisions to take into consideration many other factors than an action isolated in itself. Take for instance peoples desire to stop the poor from being uneducated and poor. How would you have time and money for education and career advancement if you spend half your time raising kids and a quarter of it trying to avoid getting into a gang fight, dealing with crackhead neighbors, also trying to find a stable mentor if their parents and their parents parents also followed the same lifestyle in a poor uneducated community where having kids at 12 or 14 is not uncommon. Sure perseverance and hard work can do wonders, but who is going out there to teach these people these values and show them that their dreams can be achieved. In general that's quite difficult, again individuals can achieve success; but that is a poor way to design a society by assuming the few can be representative of the many. Going into this issue further, children finding support and money in gangs and learning to be heartless and steal and kill comes often from unstructured, unstable, and poor families. People are all gung-ho for the death penalty to people in these circumstances that for some intents and purposes were born into their situations; clearly there's a large jump from being poor to killing someone. But being poor to joining a gang is less of a jump. What I am arguing is that no one wants to help rehabilitate people as that takes massive amounts of time and effort and failure. Prisons are the catch all where any and all failures go, and they just further the fall in society rather than actually serving as a correctional facility. Who wants to hire someone who went to jail other than kind-hearted organizations geared specifically for those people. Additionally the gang influence and de-humanization of man increases in jail.