Place to post war stories or claim its really not that bad

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Wulf, Nov 6, 2012.

  1. Lol ok then, 11.8 tril stripped from foxes, and from regs around 28 bil
  2. Yeah your Fightin alright! Keep it up!
  3. Bio we've stripped at least 40b so back off
  4. Nice quote from "Taken" up there 
  5. As for Regs/LR propaganda, people lie, numbers don't. Get of forums, forum warrior.  
  6. Bump for wulfs noobieness
  7. Could someone tell me Radio's join date? I want to educate him on what a long career is.
  8. What did foxes do to make u guys kill them?
  9. Bio it's 12trill vs 40bill (not 28!)

    Correction noted 
  10. Lol I knew if I bumped this I would be entertained again.
  11. Thank you for the accurate number sugarbabe
  12. And that's how you skin a fox

  13. My join date was 26th August 2010 btw
  14. What about you deathisimminent? What's your join date?
  15. Lol ^ skinning foxes thats my thing wulf  
  16. It's not that bad when WULF is the one farming
  17. its really not that bad.
  18. My join date is November 14, 2009. It's someone's Kawversary tomorrow??? Lol I'll post my kaw life story tomorrow.
  19. As will I