Place to post war stories or claim its really not that bad

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Wulf, Nov 6, 2012.

  1. Re: Our Strips In the Foxes War (Last Updated: 11/5)

    I knew it wouldn't be long before anarchy decided to "noob up" this thread too. I really enjoy watching that kid act up.
  2. Re: Our Strips In the Foxes War (Last Updated: 11/5)

    At least it appears that wulf and company finally learned how to war. Although I'm not sure since they still focus on their hauntings lol. Be careful wulf or y'all might fail.
  3. Re: Our Strips In the Foxes War (Last Updated: 11/5)

    Cloud, dude.

    Are you really posting with a brand new epically newbed based alt? The hell?

    Lol, my roxey account maybe small but damn has she seen some epic strippings going on.

    It takes what?.. 10,000 succesful steal actions to clear out a strip.

    So... If I add up all the facts the only conclusion I come to is THIS -

    Foxes don't look after their members much.

    Ever checked their ranks?

    Ever pin them until they come back on?

    Have you ****. A paraplegic has more co-ordination then Foxes.
  4. Re: Our Strips In the Foxes War (Last Updated: 11/5)

    Yeah, focus on hauntings but then strip trillions from foxes.. Ya ever wonder if they do haunts to help gather strip funds?  I don't know what foxes are actually doing, LR doesn't receive hits, and they have ebs 24/7... Sooo ya
  5. Re: Our Strips In the Foxes War (Last Updated: 11/5)


    Feel free to enlighten us with a flawless and intelligent post.
    Or just keep hating, either works.

    (Now I'm leaving. :p )
  6. Re: Our Strips In the Foxes War (Last Updated: 11/5)

    I think a little over half of that will clean someone out.

    EDIT: and Foxy... have someone clear your gold :p
  7. Re: Our Strips In the Foxes War (Last Updated: 11/5)

    Bobblez I remember you, was it you or your alt that got perm banned for using xtal bots in ebs?
  8. Re: Our Strips In the Foxes War (Last Updated: 11/5)

  9. Re: Place to post war stories or claim its really that bad

  10. Re: Place to post war stories or claim its really that bad


    Since both me and my alt are taking part in this war we (I) have clearly not been perminantly banned from the game. Furthermore I have no idea what an xstal bot is, and if I had one I wouldn't be useing it on EB's thats for sure (just for the avoidance of doubt I don't have one). I would condemn holehartedly any breach of ToU.

  11. Re: Place to post war stories or claim its really that bad

    LMFAO, k so, a while ago, an acc named wobblez was banned, pending investigation due to suspicious activity, that acc was perm banned as it was found that xtal bots had been used in ebs, remember? You lost your #1 player too!! It was hilarious!! You were making hundreds of billions in hauntings, single handedly!! Cleverly played, however sheer amount of activity was recorded and immediate action was taken, but by now you'll have sent a number of tearful emails to ata, explaining why you wish for your acc back lol
  12. Your clan has a website LOL. That is just pathetic.
  13. How is that pathetic?
  14. The acc wobblez still exists, with the outlawz banner, and posts on the wall saying wtf happened etc, still don't remember?  lol
  15. @BobbleZ


    Sooooo... Unless you are a complete and utter pwar/epic battles noob generation waste of skin...

    Dude, when I am laying off facts to you they are always 100% correct.. So ***** please, do not try to out do me. Because it won't happen.

    Run along princess and go do some OSW homework  seems like you need it eh?
  16. I know exactly which incident you are refering to... but I am BobbleZ :D
  17. Foxy,

    I did my OSW homework a while ago and found in testing that you lose approximatly 0.02% of your gold per steal. That is 5K steals to empty you except that the steals are not always exactly 0.02% as it also depends on troop level. Between that and experience I would say 5-6k steals will do the job perfectly well.

  18. @Lr Dude, i think you will find it was FutZ and -SPS- who had all of their accounts banned and reset(at least all of their known accounts ). if one of BobbleZ alts was involved, why was he, and the rest of his accounts not banned and reset too?
  19. Idk, but wobblez and bobblez are the same guy, lol
  20. Page 10 nicely worded mate. Way to put him in his place 