pizza is something that should be taken seriously and stuff

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by thepizzaguy, Oct 22, 2014.

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  1. I dont like pizza
  2. ^you must sin
  3. Your name is a lie, PLizza.
  4. Pizza causes obesity and people choke on pizza. Pizza must be dangerous.
  5. Pizza can actually potentially have positive effects as long as the quantities are controlled.

    Question is are you capable of controlling your life?
  6. I think so. I used to be certain I was indecisive but now I'm just not sure.. It's an improvement!
  7. Pizza is diabetus
  8. Pizza is love, Pizza is life. <3
  9. -Hispanic accent- Why you steal my food you pizza chip!!?
  10. I can see the effort you put into this thread  support
  11. Necro bump 
  12. It must be hard being that stupid
  13. Eh.. The thread title was much more interesting than the content.
  14. I love pizza, I love you ️

    ...unless you don't have pizza, then you can go suck a lemon 
  15. Please don't necrobump threads without a purpose.
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