Pipe's Pimd Adventure

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PipeBomb, Dec 19, 2015.

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  1. Pipe's Pimd Adventure
    Day 1: Part 2

    Have had a few exchanges on forums.

    Ummm...Mia Khalifa followed me....because she wanted to say hi and now wants to be my anti-rp bff :) lmao.

    Hitting rp seekers in wc if i am able.

    Few within range but I will harvest their tears.
  2. Trial and error is usually good. I just wing it halfthe time

  4. Pipe, let's just say you're gonna come across a lot of people in that game that either: takes it serious, is a major troll, is a wannabe troll, gives you real life threats but doesn't follow through with it, and the list keeps going and going and going and going and going....
  6. The mod who had locked my threads proceeded to block me. She refused to state a reason for locking my beloved's thread.
  7. That's funny I just got forum banned for no reason, same mod won't respond to me either.
  8. Posted modified thread:
    No I am not contacting support so dont lock out of fear of judgement.

    Been here a few hours. So much filth in wc. Some guy asking to 'chat to 15 year old girls' no silence. Not a mod in sight. What the hell?

    Look at wc. Silence it. Please it burns my eyes.

    Filled with pedos, creeps, catfish and other undesirables.

    What do the mods do? Let me guess...they rp?

    Seriously. Do your job mods. Better to be over zealous in your duties than to ignore them entirely.
  9. Thread locked
  10. what's the equivalent of cats here?
  11. Cats
  12. Are you high?
  13. Step 1: gather Kaw players
    Step 2: have them play PIMD
    Step 3: farm everyone

    Whoever gets the most CF requests in 24 hours wins
  14. make sure you take on the vets not new players that in no way would be an indication
  15. so there isn't an epic battle that you have too pay to do?
  16. good god, the rp in this was beyond weird. made pimd look tame.
  17. There is. It's called Cat Cafe and they have to pay 69 ecs aka 7 dollars to start one. And there are b2b Cat Cafe Clubs out there.
  18. I've been mentioned!!!1!!!!1!1!1!!1!!111

  19. Haunting: The Escape is the equivalent of Cat Cafe and Revenge of the Warbeasts is the equivalent of PPA.
  20. Lmao
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