Pipe's Pimd Adventure

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PipeBomb, Dec 19, 2015.

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  1. Didn't one of you already do that?
  2. I'm not sure that made any sense pimder..

    The truth is real bro..
  3. Great job for you!! So fast kid.
  4. Yes your fellow kaw'ers did that right here.
  5. *So fast, kid.

    Back to english class for you, you wretched unlearned scholar.
  6. When someone has a name like deadlySpankingAngel, you know they are an attention...
  7. How did it not? Do you need classes also?
  8. Holy jeez, when are we going to be able to Charlie sheen these pimders? You're making our game all greasy and cheesy..

    It's gross bro.. You should stop pretending to be a chick, and just be yourself
  9. I had gotten my name from pimd. Was given to me when I was a war merc. Plz don't get it twisted.
  10. Let's try to guess this guys name. I bet it's Jeff.
  11. Maybe you should of kept your drama here. You wouldn't of had pimd players rush over then. Correct?
  12. *'Twas given to me

    Return to english class, Naive.
  13. Let me merc you some cookies and penguins..
    And rp me, but only if you are the same stats..

    Lol I almost sounded like one of them there, now I need a shower, anyone want to rubber ducky rp with me?
  14. It is called short hand texting. Before you try it on me correct your fellow kaw'ers 1st. Maybe you can start with sparkle fairy 1st. She loves short hand texting.
  15. Maybe that is your kind of thing. Not mine.
  16. @Deadly


    Also you can't keep switching between text talk and 15th century english.

    Pick a form and stick by it. No matter how stupid it may be.

    Highly suggest getting with the times, Twelvie/Shakespeare.

  17. I can text how I like hun. Sorry you can't say so other wise. So get over it.

    Have a good day sir. :)
  18. You have a good day too, sir.
  19. Glad you agree. See as I am not a guy you must be talking to him. Thank you.
  20. I would like to nominate -DeadlySpankingAngel-
    for the Bruce Jenner woman of the Year award...

    It come with a lifetime supply of tuck tape, and free wax for that upper lip.. Also we will include some Rp rehab because you are clearly stuck
    In some kind of horrible fantasy world..

    It's ok to be yourself 
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