it really had ran it's course maybe you don't understand the tou.. lot of baiting, derailing was going on it that thread
To be honest that was my reaction this thread became huge beyond belief. I honestly thought trolls would render it unviewable within minutes
Moderators make judgement calls, it is their job to make decisions on threads, especially on the stupid ones you make.
My threads were adressing the rp issue. The rp is the main issue in pimd. Why do you feel the need to defend it? You say tou is in your favour to ban our threads but tou can be ignored for rp. Stop being selective.
I would consider banter as the remarks and competition between 2 groups of players from rival games such as the locked thread. Not that comment.
another kaw thread was locked on pimd the reason being: which is funny cause the derailers were asked multiple times to leave my thread: I have a whole new appreciation for kaw mods. pimd mods are just... STUPID
You know the funny thing is you, Pipebomb, has started something that you said you will do but you never once done it. All you and your buddies do is go to forums and post ignorant stuff or pointless threads, that you embarrass yourselves and the other KaW players. If you had just left pimd alone, you wouldn't be dealing with drama, and you wouldn't make yourself look so stupid along with some of your KaW buddies that came with you. I say some of em because the others aren't trying to start crap with anyone. As for you lili roni ronaldo whatever the hell your name is, you saw it coming when you first tried to correct Angel's literature. If you're gonna tell the people why the thread got locked, tell them the entire story and not just part of it. And we told you countless times, once the name of a person you told to leave the thread is mentioned, that person is officially back in that thread. Plus you also went off topic when it came to trying to be a grammar police which you epicly failed to do. You thought tis was not a word, but it is used in Old English and in some seasonal songs too and other cultures know it. You may be Russian, but I'm sure some Russians know that word and what it means because they study for it. You may be good at rapping, but you are so not good at learning history. So to wrap this up if you're gonna get rid of the perverts in the game, I'm with you on that 110% as I said before, but if you are just going in there posting nonsense threads and making a meaningless effort to show how serious you are, you're wasting our time and you're making the KaW community look really really bad. So stop posting nonsense and meaningless threads and do what you guys said you're gonna do or uninstall pimd and never go back to it. TL;DR People The Crusaders are fake, all talk no actions, stop embarrassing yourselves and the KaW community, re-read on RoC, learn your history (roni or Rinaldo or lili) do what you say you were gonna do or stay off pimd.
One thing I'd like to point out about that post above is that your forumers INTENTIONALLY bring those players asked to leave back, by mentioning their names on purpose. A player cannot come back if a mod asks them to leave, otherwise they run the risk of a forum ban. However, even though it's apparent your mods are monitoring the threads due to the fact they are aware it has become derailed, do not back the op up by asking them to.