Pimd mods are biased and simply bad. This thread has been open for an age and is simply trolling. This was a legit recruitment thread. It was locked. By the same mod who commented on the one liner above.
Could you stop post count farming this idiotic issue? I mean PiMD is almost 5 years old in February or January, majority of us know what that app is all about. If that app is so terrible why did you stand idly by for half a decade? Because unless you're on that app majority of their players don't bug us, there is the odd statless acct attempting to troll but it's easily ignored just like the game itself.
Im simply recording my exploits on pimd. Also if you turn a blind eye to the issue on pimd you are helping it fester. If pimd is cleansed perhaps a decent game could be birn.
it doesnt matter if pipebomb did nothing before.Maybe he was too busy with school work and exams to check up on all games. what matters is he is trying to make a difference now.which is commenderble and is more than some are doing.
Trying to make a difference? How? By telling us what we already knew? If you dont like it, dont play it. Pretty simple.
Let him post about pimd lol. If you think this is "trolling" then you're a moron. If you're only here to cry about why he's posting then don't open the thread, simple as that. I actually enjoyed reading this thread, so hate on noobs.
The term "Daddy" is usually not used incestous stuff but rather in some special fetish communities (DDLG). Source: Lurking in weird groups on a certain 3rd party IM with a "P".
Lol Pimd is terrifying. So. Much. Rp. Buzz lightyear's first time on pimd: "RPers. RPers everywhere" I followed you lol
What is so disturbing about pimd is it is based around /themed on school .and teenagers are the ones who attend it in real life .so obviously its going to get teens to play it because the avators are cheerleaders maths geeks and football jocks. To then let them be around the weird r.p creepy members that it has attracted is just wrong. If you want to keep it for the older age section do it set in another scenario like ballroom dancing or nightclub .not in a high school.
Where did I say he was trolling? Oh no where that's right he's post count farming, last page was more than half of his posts, there's a edit button for a reason. I know why he's posting, it's all well known by older players. I played PiMD for about 2 weeks when it first came out, decided it wasn't my cup of tea and moved on like a big boy, not stomping around on forums trying to rally people to a futile cause (if you honestly believe farming a few players cross app will shut it down, do me a favor and look in the mirror when you use the word moron) which is all just a ploy to increase forum post counts and grab some attention. None of this is even relevant just petty children bickering over different style of 1s and 0s, people can do whatever they want within reason, if some 30 something wants to rp as a sexy cactus I'll tell him to go for it. If this is something you enjoyed I have a set of keys I can jingle for you to giggle at and drool over yourself.
It's based on college. Yanno? Not high school or middle school. Colleges are filled with various ages. If you can't handle a game, get off it. Kaws basically a dungeons and Dragons game.
It's set in college actually, if teens are going to break the rules I'd love to see you break the rebellious spirit of an adolescent human. Because there's a lot of them and I got 5 on it that majority of them couldn't care less what you think. The game also asks for age verification, which isn't much and is stupid easy to get around like it always has.
Bobba not post count farming. This thread is for entertainment/informative purposes. It is quite popular (unlike yourself) If you dont like it fine. If you think its pointless dont read or post.
Rp is allowed on Pimd unfortunately, so it's not mods fault that they aren't getting silenced like they would on Kaw.
oh noes faceless idiots don't think I'm popular oh dear me oh my what ever shall I do? I don't think it's pointless I know it's pointless, think you're original and unique? You aren't the first one to try and rally KaW into fighting one of their sister apps, but behold that PiMD is still standing you won't change anything just cause you tapped a button, except maybe the mood of those you are annoying within PiMD. As for not reading or posting, you'll have to stab out my eyes and cut my fingers off, I still possess free will to do what I want within some boundaries.