Pipe's Pimd Adventure

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PipeBomb, Dec 19, 2015.

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  1. Korsett it's there not their.
  2. leave this thread. now.
  3. Support
  4. Is it me or is pipe on this game nearly 24/7?
  6. u must be a pimd'er.. made u look on kaw
  7. I think you both need to use the dictionary more often to learn how to spell, you do realize words mean different things when they are spelled incorrectly the way you type them...

    Here are a few examples from just one page.

    Also you should note a dictionary is referenced, not read. It does not have a plot.

  8. Way to ruin the ending!
  9. Ha! I see whatcha did there! Touché sir, touché!
  10. I've been stripped 8 times just today caught everyone pimd farmers suvk 
  11. pimd farmers?

  12. No farmers hire my allies get 2 attacks off on me by then I've bought another rinse repeat they give me gold 
  13. I'm slowly assimilating into their culture. I hope to close in on their leaderboards soon, at which point I will enact the master plan.
    be praised
  14. We need more people really
  15. It is a little quiet. And we are only slightly outnumbered.
  16. This thread is one huge joke
  17. You're such a tool. Go back to PIMD where you belong and stay there. NOOB
  18. This one obviously didn't read the thread :|
  19. Went into pimd once for a solid 30 min, felt like i had to shower after...
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