At least the topic says Fair Criticism, meaning he meant no harm in any sort of manner if you think about it.
That may be the case, I'm not here too debate that. But that's not what he's saying he was banned for lol.
Yas it worked My pimd adventure was >download pimd >make amazing username >look at forums >nothing of interest >WC asking for RP no one being silenced >asks for RP to test legitness >silenced >15 follows and 3 wall posts >add some on a 3rd party app to see if theyre hawt >all 2/10 or 3/10 age 50+ looking barbarians >uninstal pimd
I joined pimd, volley me pipe, my name is IlIlIl-RisingSun-IlIlIl and i followed u and applied to join ur clan to join the war xD
so mods here don't sleep or something... cause each of you that downloaded pimd keep saying that people are not getting silenced... hmm possibly mods aren't on we actually sleep over their ...bothers y'all so much ss what should be silenced and send to ata bam problem solved
I will admit I was willing to stay if they were above a 6, but they were revoltingly hideous cretins and I was butt hurt about being silenced. I wouldve deleted it about 7-8 months ago when I met bae because now I don't need that sort of attention