Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by MarsATW, Oct 27, 2014.

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  1. No one asked for your explanation of this dumb nut on PiMD. Piss off bud.
  2. Does anyone ask people to post threads, nope, so I don't know why you're telling me this, shouldn't you be off my thread anyways?
  3. Not really mars.
  4. Time to spam pimd forums
  5. Well, I kindly ask you ALL to leave my thread, if you don't have anything too say about our lord and savior kelon this like PvE in Destiny tbh, soooo ez
  6. Please don't, I don't want them back here in greater numbers.
  7. Mars bypassed, requesting forum ban.
  8. Actually yes. No one requested you make this thread, if anyone did it was a troll that was just trying to create this mess. Please leave. :roll:
  9. These jahova's witnesses, man.
    Doesn't your face hurt from people slamming doors in your face?
  10. Ok veng please, unlike here, we actually have active mods
  11. This isn't pimd. This is kaw. This thread has gone off topic and full of flaming stuff.
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