Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by MarsATW, Oct 27, 2014.

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  1. Please get off my thread if you have any crap to sayunless you are a mod, so I can file a complaint on
  2. Obvious attention whore is obvious, stop feeding it an it'll go away....
  3. You can talk about it all you want but not with crappy low effort threads.
  4. it sucks. really bad. and it's gonna close down like gaw and fc.:)
  5. Someone has reached out to me, and said they would like to learn more, but they said they couldnt post on forums for some reason, but can view them, so please keep this thread open for the future people of KaW
  6. Go back to roleplaying with old men please.
  7. Hopefully not because we'll be left with all the inbred failed abortions over here.
  8. As long as they have an interest in him, their is no valid reason to close this thread
  9. This thread can be locked at any time. You know enough how much we hate threads regarding PiMD so this is subject to flaming.

    You also posted almost the exact same thing twice, which allowed the other thread to be locked.

    It has no effort for the post or real reason other than asking a question which you haven't even answered.

    I am also not off topic because it's about about your comment you posted on this thread.

    Our forums are not a place to post 4 line threads.
  10. I have to wait for someone to be interested to continue, and someone is interested, and as soon as all you 54 year old virgins go to bed I will tell them about it. 
  11. Therefore you have the ability to make this thread mean something, yet you still choose not to, allowing it to be locked again. Good job.
  12. "Please" doesn't mean anyone has to do anything; it's asking. And when asking a question, prepare to hear the answer you do not want.

    "Right, moderators?" "Am I right, moderators?" You are not being responded to because you're probably an immature little 12 year old who has nothing better to do than make crap threads and try and talk tough. Shut up and stop asking for support from people who don't think twice about you.
  13. Low effort crap from some paint chip eating dumbass from pimd. Go slap your mom for me.
  14. Aren't we all humans, KaW or not I should be respected, as the most respected game under ATA you guys sure are crap Now please get off my thread, or I will have to ask a moderator to do so
  15. I'm actually 9 Seth, get it right ok and haven't eaten paint chip since I was 7
  16. Mars... No one is interested :roll:

    KaW forums are meant for KaW content. PiMD forums are meant for whatever this is. Kindly request a lock on this thread and leave KaW forever. :lol:

    Do not say you are waiting for someone to be interested because that will never happen. This is a war game, we like war related topics and amusing stuff. This is neither.

  17. We are all humans, but respect is earned not given. And thanks for the compliment about KaW, we are the superior game.
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