
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by chris111, Jun 6, 2013.

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  1. Nickieee?  How have you been?
  2. Lol I'm barley even on here
  3. Pimd is fool of pervs
  4. Actually KAW has Pervs too so don't bother saying that PIMD is the only game with Pervs. ;)
  5. If you like pimd so much go back to pimd. This is Kaw.
  6. Haha whats up with all this PimD in KaW forums and KaW in PimD forums today?
  7. Are we really going to start another one of these PimD vs KaW wars??

    Cause it's happened before.
  8. Iv never been apoached by a perv in kaw since i started(15 months ago). When i downloaded pimd, i got 4 in my first day
  9. /).- please lock this thread mods.
  10. Shaun, that's what you get for choosing the name "BadBootie*****69."

  11.  trolled
  12. Y don't u ask this in pimd Ull sure to get more people saying that they do
  13. These threads always lead to bashing of both games lets keep pimd out of here
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