Phalanx always matched with stronger clans? Why Devs?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IIIIII____J-Walker____IIIIII, Nov 3, 2013.

  1. I do agree with you and we would be happy if the match ups do work both ways... We really don''t expect to win all the time.

    Still, after a week of such match ups, the experience is starting to grind a bit :(

    It's beginning to feel like a long, dark & narrow one-way street...
  2. Move to the darkside ;) scrap the GH 
  3. Yeahhh scrap the GH 

    More space for noob builds as mine :lol:
  4. Did you use the whole clan? Or just people that participated ?
  5. Chaos reborn don't use the gh exploit and we beat them with 5 men with no targets and 170m cs down
    Op stop your butthurt any use a better team.
    Your clan has far too many plunder targets for gh (ie low tower hansels).
  6. A bunch of cry babies at Phalanx. Their cc is all about how they tongue kiss their dads
  7. Bitching on forums won't help, either stop eeing or just shut up
  8. You didn't factor in bfa or bfe when stating there cs was higher...
  9. You guys could win that no matter the size aslong as hole clan is active and you guys have a decent strategy. EE isn't much away from real merc wars before your time.... Find a money pit to sit on. Those larger clans managed too. I haven't EEd before but this next week I will.. Can't be entirely different other then it's locked roster... And one xtal allowed... Merc wars had full roster as many xtals as you could possibly  and no one liked you.
  10. Discuss that here
  11. *facedesk*

    What are the forums going to do?
  12. Wtf?! Is that really true about their cc?
  13. Support this motion fully. Need fairer fights. Not fights that end up with tvp. We just hope for a fighting Chance against clans with same strength. How can 100m Cs diff be a good hit ratio?? I just don't get that.
  14. Respect to your clan
  15. I was looking at this thread and honestly speaking, I appreciate some of the input.
    We all know that the Devs try to tweak it to fix so-called "glitches" or "exploitations".
    Its definitely understandable because the game is dead (and to a certain extent the algorithm) but we players are not :lol:

    When in doubt, ask.
    If unsure, look around and try to learn.

    I guess all clans and players try to find their ideal and perfect build, be it war or to be an EB fairy.
    Its always a learning cycle when people do not understand and when somebody else sheds some light.
    My guess is that devs won't be coming to clear the air to hide their "war system mechanics".
    So I guess we might need to explore more.....
    And it would be quite a hassle to go thru all the matches and do an analysis.

    Phalanx had warred trial and the current season and I was actually an opponent that liked the clan and the warring system we have. We hide behind towers and moniter in-game but we definitely won't mask our ign and post non contructive (as much as I want to say trash) comments unlike some kids or adults having hormone balancing issues taking snipe shots while hiding under skirts . No names mentioned if you went through the thread.
  16. Fully Support! Dev please be fair and give all participating clans a chance to win against their even match! Though we know it can't be fair at all times. But not unfair matches all the times!
  17. Matchups are done on hit ratio more than strength if you can hit eachother then the war is on. Try upgrading your ghs as that is what is hurting you.