Petition to stop calling the apes 'Devs'

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by BadRobot, Apr 20, 2022.

  1. Greetings fellow warriors,

    I come to you with yet another groundbreaking idea 💡.

    As most of you may know, for long now the Kawmunity has referred to all the red apes as Devs (short for Developers).

    And as most of you may know as well, there is no development happening in this game.

    So it would be only right to drop the Dev title (which they don't deserve) and start referring to them as Admins.

    I expect this change to be effective immediately.

    Thank you.

    Yours truly,

  2. Support
    BadRobot likes this.
  3. I mean, to be fair... The role "developer" is in fact often distinct from community managers and support staff. Communities often use dev as a catchall for game staff, but most games don't have the actual game devs also be the most visible staff in game
    MW_Reyna and BadRobot like this.
  4. Thank you guys for supporting my idea it means a lot
  5. How about ATA team?

    I got a reply from "Help" and the reply refers "We’ll have a team member review your report and see what we can do to help!"

    Or A-team for short...jk..
  6. Hi
    I got one month shattered active .why I don't know Tel me know about war