Petition to Limit Strip Damage

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Imitation-Cheese, Oct 2, 2015.

  1. Still better than losing everything
  2. Twinky - I don't think oath of fealty alone is enough to stop a dedicated strip. There must have been people actively searching for people owned by Teja in order to get past his first page. The ally value leaderboard seems like a good place to start looking for allies owned by the top 5-10 overall.

    Either that or get hired by him and find out by talking to him in AC. There are plenty of creative ways around the oath spell.
  3. Why are we even talking about petitioning against stripping? If she wants to take it off for a twenty dow....

    Just read full title.

    Carry on.
  4. This noob cheese talking about don't want the game to die does he logging every 6 month ? lol does he ever spend 1$ in this game ? Look at his allies n build no worth the time to even pay attention to this noob
  5. ️ didn't read through the thread
  6. Op Pnz:01
  7. 32/40/1 Assn
  8. Thats not what i was trying point out. Karma was playing devils advocate and suggested that the oath spell could also restrict ally hires.

    I was just mentioning that its very possible for some to run the oath spell non stop for really long periods of time. I saw some go 3 months, 24/7.
  9. It's all about the strip. It's a war game If you take that away it's just a social chatting site no support for this ..... No one is safe if there is a strip cap there is no point playing this game ....... BRING BACK GAW ata ️
  10. Damn what a badass hitting cheese for an idea because he's smaller than him. You mad bro?
  11. I see. I thought he was suggesting using a modified oath of fealty
  12. Whale behavior 
  13. no. i like being stripped. it makes me laugh.
  14. Whales begat whales, devs won't starve.
    No support!
  15. Support.

    I can see where you are coming from
  16. If this even gets into consideration of passing.. Kaw has officially lost its mind.. You raging communist
  17. Full support to limit strips!

    Isn't that interesting that most of no support is coming from those free to play or those with no bfa?

    Myself, I'm not reopening my wallet until ATA address the fact that any bfa lb account can be wiped out in blink of eyes.

    Until it is fixed, no seals purchases or no daily max xtal'ing for me.

    It does adds in, ATA.

    This World Leader is out until further notice LOL

    Spending thousands of dollars on other games...
  18. What's next... osw time limits??
  19. You should get some towers it might protect you a bit.

    Other games your whole game gets wiped out in the blink of an eye you get to keep your build here lucky.