Petition to Keep Zelgarad the Accursed After Promo Yes or No

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by SlimeInDisguise, Oct 2, 2015.

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  1. I'm on no support list twice... That's how much I don't support it lol
  2. Lel
  3. They will end up keeping the eb anyways. So i dnt see why this thread was made
  4. No support.
  5. No support like child support or abortion.
  6. Support add me on the list
  7. not long enough, no support
  8. Why not just leave it? I would prefer it over HTE, plus it's cheaper, it's funny because the devs gave you what the majority wanted. Like it or not, a business listens to its MAJORITY, not like you don't have the option not to pay 1 dollar to get 2 days of the be and an easy and quick 180b.
  9. It might be cheaper, but you won't stay as long with a SOD. One piece= one ZTA.
  10. Warriors of the Armageddon has a 3 day pass I believe for anyone who use 40-70(could be off by some pieces). That's literally just 5 dollars for 25% more gold and lengthier eb. Just a 2-3 day cut off a pass on HTE. I guarantee you can make more from it in 3 days than in a 5 or 6 day HTE pass.

    Plus, I doubt HTE is going away. It seems the devs have made it a more permanent eb. Just like HTE, I doubt Zelgerad will go away either. The devs have to make money and with this wave of veteran players leaving, it seems only necessary to make this permanent.

    If you don't want to hit the eb, just don't pay for it then :lol:
  11. No support for this eb.
    We don't need another eb that the peeps on the leader board spend all day every day sucking on. When it comes to ebs, u need to vary and get as many actions in as u can to get good money rather than spending all ur money on seals and circles.
  12. I think we should keep it brings unity back by allowing everyone to contribute instead of one and allows less wealthy peeps to have a chance to keep up with big spenders by teaming up with others much support to keep this eb
  13. There is a good idea embedded in zelgarad: shared payment. But as an Eb its a bad deal compared with hte (from what I can tell). Better would be if dev's applied shared payment to hte: break the seal into 1 nob pieces. Would give clans great flexibility on how to pay. Ppl with deep pockets could keep paying for a whole seal or it could be more of a group effort. devs would make more bc ppl could afford more hte working together. Win win.
  14. Support put me on yes list
  15. Why do ppl want this eb over hte? Genuine question. Pay per hit is a bit better but there are fewer items and less overall payout. It's like the devs took a soda and reduced it's size by more than half while keeping all the sugar and charging almost twice as much: tastes sweeter but you get less for more money.... I admit I don't know how much the extra drops are worth. Is that what's making the difference to ppl? .... The thing is, that ring looks almost impossible to upgrade fully within the timeframe of the event. Unless maybe ppl spend a ton. I guess the devs may have calculated most ppl will get a ring partly upgraded w stats close to other available equip. And a few spending more will get a more powerful item. Seems reasonable but also frustrating to ppl left w a partly enchanted item and no way to finish it... (That would be one advantage to keeping the z eb ... Ppl could finish the ring over time... ) overall the eb looks to me like a bad option vs hte... So why are ppl into it?
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