Petition to Choose what equipment your profile shows.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by TheSpartan, Jun 24, 2013.

  1. I dont get how this is useful. All you have to do is click on their equip on profile page to see everything they have equiped.
  2. support

    i want people to think im runnin around KaW butt-naked
  3. I just want you all to know, I hate you. Spamming forums with ridiculous thoughts. Leading the naive astray, convincing them to support this poorly written, terrible idea. Convincing them that supporting this thread is making some sort of difference! Better ideas have died in half the time this thread has survived, and this offends me. So, please, people of KAW, I beg of you, if you feel the urge to post "support" on this thread, stop and examine your life. Then leave forums, plan a trip to an exotic land, and relax. if the urge persists, repeat the treatment until it is gone.
  4. 
  5. No just un equpit...
  6. Ruby is my new favorite forumer.
  7. Thought this died lol
  8. You could choose **** equipment to show and actually be a beast. No support.
  9. Don't see the point of it, click the little button that says view more and you can see the full details of the equipment someone has.