Petition to Choose what equipment your profile shows.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by TheSpartan, Jun 24, 2013.

  1. Who you talking dastinker
  2. No support this is a total waste of time for the devs. Much rather prefer they keep working on the war system and game related updates.
  3. Bah humbug to you too!
  4. A1 dude. Please don't post if you have nothing good to say
  6. I'll post regardless if you consider it nice or not. And I stand by my opinion that this is 100% stupid and unnecessary when much more important stuff needs to be fixed.
  7. [size=whatsasize MUM WHAT'S A BB CODE FAIL [/size] [/color\]
  8. More important things to worry about,

    No support
  9. Support, im looking forward for this
  10. Yea. And you should be able to choose which achievements show.
  11. @Fando.
    Like what.
    Kaw creative is just waiting to help out. Plus they have over a month more of trials.
  12. Like improving the EE mechanics to include bfe and remove the advantages guild hansels have. Or anything game related like summer wars all star war new epics.

    Hell there's 99 other things to worry about before they need to worry about equipment lineup showing on profiles.

  13. What he said!
  14. I don't see the point, there's the "view more" button if someone wants to know what you have.
  15. Support! Love this idea...
  16. The fact your profile has equipment on is actual a bit mental!

    So you have to scout me to see my buildings but somehow manage to see what i'm wearing without scouting?

    I'd rather no one know what equipment I have at all!

    So if this idea includes not showing any equipment on my profile i'll support it!
  17. That  I could support.